Bastard professor

* Thinks that if anyone can do it, Na can

* Realizes just how dirty that sounds.
I just hope he doesn't find out about the dreadful library problem before Friday. :eek13:
Actually, I hope he does. Perhaps that -7.5% would be eliminated, and Na can get the A+ she deserves for putting up with his antics. ;)
Q said:
Gato, you left your tag hanging open....we can see your....:eek2:

Wow, Q, I didn't think what my tags exposed was that impressive. Perhaps I should leave my tags open more often... :brow:
I've only had an hour of sleep Gato and I need you to open your tags again ... you know .. for my mental stimulation :brow:
*grabs pom poms*
*does a cheer*
50 page P-A... P-A... *tap tap* P-A-P-E-R!
Gonna get done...
Gonna get done...
Finish that paper fast and sweet...
Go paper go!

hey ku'u - somehow, your leaving your tags open doesn't have the same effect on me as Gato leaving his tags open does :D

omg .. I need Chai ... a big fat cup of it ...
oh shit. and i'm too lazy, for once, to edit it.
i need a chai too.
i've been here for less than an hour, and it's already "one of those days"

I feel for you ... cause you have nosey-ala in there .. at least all I have to contend with is 50+ teenagers in the halau


let's bail and get a chai ... then I'll go home and study ... sound like a plan?
unclehobart said:
I dunno, Ku'u... My dancing quality ranks a full two steps below an epileptic seizure.

perhaps ... but you have other qualities that make up for that :brow: