Bastard professor

I can't imagine why they would. :D In fact according to MY grand scheme of things should get an "A" :trippin:
Yoohoo...Na...What book, what class, and don't you dare give up, yet. :grumpy: Perhaps I can work some magic... ;)
Exploring Religion by Roger Schmidt ... luckily, there was one copy in the library and my cousin went and picked it up for me ... (thankfully since I am not allowed to borrow books from the library .. it's a whole long library story :D)

I've started reading and jotting down major points .. haven't worked out what I want my thesis statement to be though...
Holy Phreaking cow!!!! You're banned from the library? Ive been kicked out of places before, but never the library. We need details.
well, no, I wasn't "banned" from the library ... I just can't do stuff like use their books ... :D
She can sit and LOOK at the books while they sit on the shelves though right Na? :D
:D @ greenie

hey, PT - it's not like they have my pic posted or anything so they'd recognize me when I walked in the door :D
nalani said:
hey, PT - it's not like they have my pic posted or anything so they'd recognize me when I walked in the door

Well damn, I'm feeling pretty disillusioned right now then. I really thought you had more in you, Na.:disgust2:
ok .. I think I have to stop calling him "Bastard Professor" ... I asked him for an extension until Friday via email and he wrote back "come see me in the a.m." ... :eek:

so, I went to see him this morning and we discussed the text (which I bullshitted about because I haven't finished reading it) but he did allow me to have an extension - I can turn it in on Friday no later than noon ... at a cost of 7.5% of what my paper is worth .. which means, my paper has to kick ass in order to get at least a B.

*sigh* ... so .. well ... I guess the gods are helping me out afterall ... thanks everyone for praying to all of them :D

*returns to the book reading* ...
*thinks attempting to pull 50 pages out of my ass and still expect an A+ would be rather painful, indeed*
