Berkeley, CA Wants Marines Out

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I think this is gullibility as well.


You're right, that one is pretty easy. :rolleyes:
Killing countless people and wasting countless billions in a farce based on lies.

They continue to ignore that most of the troops want us out of Iraq while they send them to their deaths.

They will say "I support the troops" even though everything they do shows otherwise.

This opinion piece from Rolling Stone Magazine apparently agrees with the way you think:


Elected to end the war, Democrats have surrendered to Bush on Iraq and betrayed the peace movement for their own political ends


Rather than use the vast power they had to end the war, Democrats devoted their energy to making sure that "anti-war activism" became synonymous with "electing Democrats."

Capitalizing on America's desire to end the war, they hijacked the anti-war movement itself, filling the ranks of peace groups with loyal party hacks.

Anti-war organizations essentially became a political tool for the Democrats — one operated from inside the Beltway and devoted primarily to targeting Republicans.

Why does Congress continue to fund Booooosh's madness?

That one was pretty easy, too.
See, if we bring the troops back, they can get jobs. Then the nonthinkers can take everything they earn to support those who won't get jobs. That means more baby factories and able disabled can continue to exist like sponges. That makes some people all wet and gooshy. Giving away everything I and other working class people earn just gives them the chicken skin. So yeah, let's bring them home...on Bush's watch, so we can hang the "defeat" on him. Put 'em to work supporting more lazy good for nothings who neeeeeeeeeed healthcare, but not badly enough to go find a job.
Why does Congress continue to fund Booooosh's madness?

That one was pretty easy, too.

Because there's enough Republicans in Congress to keep them from having the votes to override a veto.

Again, what is your point?
See, if we bring the troops back, they can get jobs. Then the nonthinkers can take everything they earn to support those who won't get jobs. That means more baby factories and able disabled can continue to exist like sponges. That makes some people all wet and gooshy. Giving away everything I and other working class people earn just gives them the chicken skin. So yeah, let's bring them home...on Bush's watch, so we can hang the "defeat" on him. Put 'em to work supporting more lazy good for nothings who neeeeeeeeeed healthcare, but not badly enough to go find a job.

Everyone who doesn't have healthcare is a lzy good for nothing without a job in SNP's world.

Talk about non-thinkers. :laugh:

I guess everyone that lives in the hills are lazy, toothless, illiterate, overall-wearing, racist, wife-beating, meth addict, cousin fuckers if we want to go with generalizations.
My, my. They're really getting worried about losing that money.,2933,330419,00.html

Berkeley City Council to Revisit Vote Against Marine Recruiting Station
Tuesday , February 12, 2008

BERKELEY, Calif. —

Two weeks after the Berkeley City Council called U.S. Marine Corps recruiters "uninvited and unwelcome intruders," the council is expected to reconsider its anti-Marine stance Tuesday night.

Large crowds from the left and right are mobilizing for the meeting. The anti-war feminist group Code Pink began a 24-hour "peace-in" Monday night, and the pro-war group Move America Forward planned a day-long demonstration outside City Hall.

The Rev. Fred Phelps, the anti-gay activist and founder of the Westboro Baptist Church, will be there as well, demonstrating against both the Marines and Code Pink. Members of the Westboro Baptist Church routinely picket at the funerals of American soldiers killed in action.

Code Pink activist Zanne Joi said her group is "supporting the troops by being against war and against recruiting."

•Click here for photos.

"It’s because we care about these people that we are standing up against the war machine," Joi said.

On Jan. 29, the city council approved a resolution that included letters to the Marines advising them that their recruiting station is unwelcome in Berkeley. It also called for an investigation into whether the U.S. military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy for homosexuals violated city anti-discrimination policy.

Other portions of the resolution applauded residents who "volunteer to impede" the work of the Marines, and gave Code Pink a parking space directly in front of the Marines' office from noon to 4 p.m. every Wednesday for six months, as well as waiving the fee for a sound permit.

That decision sparked a nationwide outrage, calls to withhold government funding for the city, and an apology and clarification from Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates.

On Tuesday, the council will hear from Laurie Capitelli and Betty Olds, two council members who are sponsoring a revised resolution that will ask the city not to send a letter to the Marine Corps saying it's unwelcome in Berkeley.

The resolution would reiterate the city's opposition to the Iraq war, while clarifying Berkeley's support of the nation's military servicemembers.

In a joint press statement, Capitelli and Olds said: “We failed to make it clear that while we continue to oppose what we consider an unethical and illegal war in Iraq, at the same time we respect and honor all the brave men and women who are serving or have served in the military … We have erred by not adequately differentiating between the war and the warriors.”

Capitelli and Olds also said in the press statement: “The recommendation to inform the Marine Corps recruiting office that they are not welcome in our city, was insulting, hurtful and wrong.”

The council's initial Marine Corps motions prompted a backlash from lawmakers in California's capital, Sacramento, and Washington. There have been calls to withhold state and federal funds — including $2 million in federal money earmarked for ferry service and school lunches, among other things — as well as an apology from Berkeley's mayor.

"Let me be absolutely clear that this is not about the men and women who are serving our country in our armed forces," Mayor Bates said on Feb. 1. "I am a retired U.S. Army Captain and I respect the choice of those who are serving our country.

"However, this community strongly opposes the war in Iraq and the foreign policy of the current administration."

He added: "I understand that there are people across the country that may not agree with this action, but it is the Berkeley City Council's responsibility to represent the will of the people of Berkeley."

That argument didn't fly with California Assemblyman Guy Houston, a Republican, who asked last week that $3.3 million in state transportation funds be suspended until the council rescinds its resolution.

"The Marines, and all of our branches of the military, deserve the honor of our elected officials, not their scorn," Houston said.

At Tuesday night's council meeting, Berkeley politicians will also consider measures that would condemn the construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border as well as a request to Canadian leaders to grant sanctuary for U.S. war resisters.
My, my. They're really getting worried about losing that money.

You heard it here first folks...

They're really such simple creatures, ya know. Kinda like them amazing sea monkeys we used to see on the backs of comic books. Only problem is, unless they walk out in traffic or catch the aids or such, they tend to live longer than the sea monkeys did. Maybe that's why they spend so much time engrossed in the latest PC "outrage". They earnestly want to save us from ourselves, because they're too stupid to come in from the rain and thereby conclude that since they are the self appointed smartest people alive we must also need help with attending to every task imaginable, including how to best spend our own money.

liberalism said:
Take everything from everybody (except me) and redistribute it to "the pooooooooor", then meet up at the coffee shoppe and drop a Jackson for a cuppa.

Much like that 30 pound turd, this too shall pass. It's just gonna be more painful most likely.
Because there's enough Republicans in Congress to keep them from having the votes to override a veto.

Again, what is your point?


If ending the war meant that much to the dems they could've pulled the funding. Stick a fork in it.

Even beyond the war, the Democrats have repeatedly gone limp-dick every time the Bush administration so much as raises its voice.

Oh, sorry. I guess they couldn't stand up to the lame duck after all.
Libs will believe anything as long as it is anti-war, anti-American, and anti-Booosh.


Yet you back up that generalization with nothing. Your words are useless.

Cons will believe anything as long as it is pro-war, anti-American, and pro-Bush.

There you go.
If ending the war meant that much to the dems they could've pulled the funding. Stick a fork in it.

You need to brush up on how Congress works. They need enough votes to override a veto.

Luckily the idiot-in-chief will be gone soon.
I wonder if those hill people will ever figure out that Republicans drink more expensive coffee than Democrats.

Naw, they can't even change their own diaper.
"Thank God for Dead Soldiers" is a pretty sick Con statement don't you think?


You need to brush up on how Congress works. They need enough votes to override a veto.

Luckily the idiot-in-chief will be gone soon.

spike, no one wants us out any more than me but I have to agree with Cerise. If it was as important as the democrats pretended it was to them, they would have tried harder. They barely paid it lip service and went on about their business. They're either spineless pussies or it really is a one party system after all. I think you know which side of that argument I choose, and the sooner more people figure that out the better I'll like it.
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