Well-Known Member
Libs won't let the facts get in the way of a good anti-Bush rant.
Saddam didn't expect the US to unleash a full-scale attack. He thought it would come Clinton-style 1998.
So he used ambiguous words and limited access to inspectors to create a hoax and ultimately fend off Iran's interest in dominating the region.
It didn't turn out as Saddam expected, and he found himself at the end of a short rope looking at a long drop.
Iraq is ushered into the 21st century. The US has a foothold in the heart of the Middle East, all the better to counter Iminajihad's nuclear ambitions.
The anti-war element is the anti-America element. Terrorist savagery is AOK with them, but let the military waterboard a captive to force information out of him and all hell breaks loose. You get the protesters, the limp senators, the media all voicing their opposition---that it's not faaaiiirrr---that they have rriigghhttss---that they need laaawwwyeerrs. Makes it obvious which side that element is on.
This gem was on the Berkeley city council's to do list. Have they no shame?
Must've gotten shelved in all the fuss.
Saddam didn't expect the US to unleash a full-scale attack. He thought it would come Clinton-style 1998.
So he used ambiguous words and limited access to inspectors to create a hoax and ultimately fend off Iran's interest in dominating the region.
It didn't turn out as Saddam expected, and he found himself at the end of a short rope looking at a long drop.
Iraq is ushered into the 21st century. The US has a foothold in the heart of the Middle East, all the better to counter Iminajihad's nuclear ambitions.
The anti-war element is the anti-America element. Terrorist savagery is AOK with them, but let the military waterboard a captive to force information out of him and all hell breaks loose. You get the protesters, the limp senators, the media all voicing their opposition---that it's not faaaiiirrr---that they have rriigghhttss---that they need laaawwwyeerrs. Makes it obvious which side that element is on.
This gem was on the Berkeley city council's to do list. Have they no shame?
RECOMMENDATION: Send a letter to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Diana Finley and Liberal Party leader Stephane Dion requesting that the government of Canada establish provisions to provide sanctuary for U.S. military service members who are living in Canada to resist fighting in the Iraq War.
BACKGROUND: Throughout the Vietnam War era, Canada provided a place of refuge for United States citizens seeking to resist the war. Because of Canada’s rich tradition of being a refuge from militarism, approximately 200 U.S. military service people have moved to Canada to resist fighting in the Iraq War.http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/uploadedFiles/Clerk/2008-02-04 Agenda Committee Agenda.pdf
Must've gotten shelved in all the fuss.