You need to brush up on how Congress works. They need enough votes to override a veto.
I agree, they should be trying harder. However, you'll have to agree there's a certain number of votes required to override a veto.
Kinda comes down to the guy doing the vetoing to a large extent eh?
In the same manner that this is not a totalitarian, authoritarian regime----it is not "Bush's War."
The U.S. Congress PASSED a resolution AUTHORIZING President Bush to use the Armed Forces of the United States against Iraq. That's how Congress works.
Learn it, live it---it will set you free.
"Thank God for Dead Soldiers" is a pretty sick Con statement don't you think?
Bush is the Commander-in-Chief, therefore it is his war. He lied to Congress.
Learn it, live it---it will set you free. Did you have some point earlier about the people with signs?
Libs are gullible. They have no basis in fact for the scrawled statements on the signs. Comprende?
Main Entry:
also gull·able \ˈgə-lə-bəl\
: easily duped or cheated
— gull·ibil·i·ty Listen to the pronunciation of gullibility \ˌgə-lə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun
— gull·ibly Listen to the pronunciation of gullibly \ˈgə-lə-blē\ adverb
Either or. Gullible is more common in my experience though but I might just be being gullable.![]()
You need to brush up on how Congress works. They need enough votes to override a veto.
Luckily the idiot-in-chief will be gone soon.
Bush is the Commander-in-Chief, therefore it is his war. He lied to Congress.
Learn it, live it---it will set you free. Did you have some point earlier about the people with signs?
It's spelled gullable, look it up
–adjective easily deceived or cheated.
Also, gul·la·ble.
[Origin: 1815–25; gull2 + -ible]
—Related forms
gul·li·bil·i·ty, noun
gul·li·bly, adverb
—Synonyms credulous, trusting, naive, innocent, simple, green. Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
gul·li·ble /ˈgʌləbəl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[guhl-uh-buhl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective easily deceived or cheated.
Also, gul·la·ble.
[Origin: 1815–25; gull2 + -ible]
—Related forms
gul·li·bil·i·ty, noun
gul·li·bly, adverb
—Synonyms credulous, trusting, naive, innocent, simple, green. Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
Oh, that's too funny. Good work Paul.
Gullibility, and band-aids on foreheads would be my guess.
Libs are gullible. They have no basis in fact for the scrawled statements on the signs. Comprende?
Cons are gullible. They have no basis in fact for the statements on their signs either.
but from where I sit they haven't even made what I can call an effort. They were elected for a reason and they clearly don't give a fuck what the people want.
spike, no one wants us out any more than me but I have to agree with Cerise. If it was as important as the democrats pretended it was to them, they would have tried harder. They barely paid it lip service and went on about their business. They're either spineless pussies or it really is a one party system after all. I think you know which side of that argument I choose, and the sooner more people figure that out the better I'll like it.