Bigfoot isn't a hoax?


Kissy Goddess
An Edmonton man claims to have at least 12 seconds of video footage that proves Bigfoot exists.

He’s incorporated it into a 30-minute documentary that’s airing at the Citadel next Thursday.

The movie is called Sylvanic, a derivative of a native word used in southern British Columbia to describe the “shadow guardians of the mountains” says movie maker Todd Standing, 33.

Standing’s been interested in Bigfoot for years, but remained a hardline skeptic until about a year ago, when he said he caught his first glimpse of the mythical monstrosity.

“I will reveal to the world everything I know about these animals, everything the natives have known for generations - about how they’ve been evading us, and why we must enact legislation to protect them,” Standing said.

He and two research colleagues claim to have hair samples from the animal, and footage of a seven-foot-tall creature weighing approximately 400 lbs. running through the mountains.

“It’s a great ass-shot,” Standing said. “You can see glutes, hamstring and calf muscle. It’s in motion and it moves very fast.

“Bigfoot is either the biggest hoax in the history of mankind - fooling Vikings and natives for generations - or there really is a bipedal man-like primate out there.

“I’ve seen it, and I’m a believer.”

Newspaper article link

Same way they have a 60 minute post game on most ball games to discuss the QB play of the second quarter...
I heard this guy on the radio this morning. I'm gonna try and go see the movie.

The stills are really bad!
Here's a good picture

Shit, thanks for reminding me. i have to see if the kid want to go see the monster truck show at the Big Owe.
Have you ever seen rugby? I dare say there are over 50 sasquatches living in plain sight playing for various teams.
I seen Elvis the other day.

Hell, I see him every day. We feed him twice a day, trying to provide as much liver and cornbread as he can tolerate as he is losing some weight in his old age. The hair on his face is getting white too. Every year when he sheds his winter coat, the new one has more white and less lemon in it. He's still quite protective of his food dish though. He enjoys lying in sunbeams when at all possible, and no matter what he always greets me when I get in at the end of the day. All in all, he's about the finest piece of basset flesh a man could ever wish for. His bark may have a little age on it, but it still shakes the valley floor with depth and clarity as it resonates off the hillsides. The big ol' German Shepherd he (grudgingly) shares the yard with has no doubt who the boss is either. He lets us know if he's lonesome tonight, but really he just wants to be our teddy bear. Whatadog.
yeah we've been giggling about this one for a couple days around my office.

somewhere, somebody posted a comment like "it looks like a rug with a chewbacca mask thrown on top."

i hope they publish pictures of the skull. might be fun see if i can remember anything from my class on that shit and if i can spot anything obviously fake.