Bitch about work thread.

My boss is a real ballbuster.

Yeah, I've heard some real horror stories about you having to take work home with you, work all kinds of rediculous hours, and even warehouse inventory. And not a word of thanks through the whole thing. I'd have pushed your boss out in front of a bus before I put up with all that crap.
I'm sit watching my students work on an exam.

Dude, can I have your job?

Seriously, I love my job but some days it'd be nice to just sit back and watch other people work while getting paid for it :D
Yeah, it feels nice. Thou it isn't that nice when you get to give them bad grades, can really turn you down.
Is there an essay portion of the exam you have to read and grade? Quite a few of the professors I had in college went over to all-multiple choice and true/false exams because those can be done with a scantron and can be graded quickly. That came in handy for an art class I took, because the instructor was able to grade the exams immediately after class and we could find out our final grades if we were willing to stick around for 15 minutes or so.
Is there an essay portion of the exam you have to read and grade? Quite a few of the professors I had in college went over to all-multiple choice and true/false exams because those can be done with a scantron and can be graded quickly. That came in handy for an art class I took, because the instructor was able to grade the exams immediately after class and we could find out our final grades if we were willing to stick around for 15 minutes or so.

Yesterday's exam was composed of 3 problems:
- analize a recursive function and deduce what it does.
- write down a circle class.
- analize another code and spot the errors.

I usually like to make true/false exams. It takes longer to design the exam but it is far quicker to grade. Also in the student's opinion it is fairer, since you can either be right or wrong and there is no whinning about "why he got it right and I didn't if our answers are almost the same".
[Today 09:28pm] Altron: Ah, I'll finish this up and copy and paste this into my bitch about work thread.
[Today 09:28pm] Altron: That's what I like about a few of the managers. They get it. One time this bitch was chewing up a different CS girl about something completely retarded. She bought a movie in fucking DECEMBER 2005 and wanted to return it like two weeks ago, AUGUST 2006. It was fuckin' open. In case you can't fucking read, which is certainly a distinct possibility, the return policy is 30 days, and for movies, they can't be opened.
[Today 09:26pm] Altron: It sucks seeing all these assholes tear up the good people workin' the front counter. It's depressing to watch a really nice person get screamed at by an irrational fucktard, without being able to do anything in return.
[Today 09:25pm] Altron: Sometimes I just need to walk away, because I know if I stay around, I will do something bad.
[Today 09:23pm] Altron: And that took a LOT of self control.
[Today 09:21pm] Altron: Last time I got angry was probably last summer. I was sitting on a couch, drinking soda, while my friend's punk brother's friend was running around like an idiot. I told him to be careful around me several times. He ignored me and crashed into me as I was drinking, which got soda into my eyes. That shit has a really fuckin' low pH. It hurt. I got really angry. I needed to go outside and punch a very large wood beam for a few minutes.
[Today 09:19pm] Altron: But sometimes I get really angry for very small reasons.
[Today 09:19pm] Altron: I've thought about working in the real CS department (I get my share of angry customers, but not as many as CS). I normally keep my cool and don't get angry, I just go outside and get some air and make jokes about the people pissing me off. Apparantly, some of my best jokes happen when I'm unhappy.
[Today 09:17pm] Professur: That's a big part of why I'm not in customer service. Granted, me snapping open my hunting knife with a wrist flick usually convinces people from the outset that I'm probably not going to get any jokes they make. My boss got the message when I started leaving a worn copy of Guns and Ammo in my inbox.
[Today 09:13pm] Altron: It's like, how fucking immature can you be? I'm angry just thinking about it, and the guy didn't say anything to me. If it had been me getting yelled at, I probably would have snapped. Doesn't happen much, but it ain't pretty.
[Today 09:10pm] Altron: There was some crazy shit at work the other day... This fucktard comes in to try to exchange something that he doesn't have a receipt for. He said he got it the day before, then the CSA confirmed that we haven't carried the product he had in over 6 months, so then he said that his grandmother bought it three weeks ago, then when the CSA asked for granny's information to do a customer lookup to see if she purchased it, the guy said that she was dead and that he didn't have that information. The CSA was like "Sorry, but unless you have the recepit, or we can look up your information, you can't return it" and then he got all threatening and demanded to know the district manager's name, and he pulled that "Oh, I've spent $5,000 here in the past five years, I'm a great customer, your manager is gonna call you and rip you a new one, you'll probably get fired for losing such a valuable customer" and she was like "Well, it's store policy to not accept returns without a receipt or a way to confirm your purchase" so the guy called her a "little bitch". By that point, three of us larger guys had gathered around, because this guy was super pissed off, and I wouldn't have been surprised if he hit her or something. So then she's like "Get out of the store right now." and he starts mocking her, and then finally leaves. And then she's really shaken up by the whole thing, so the three of us hung out and were nice to her. Then she told the store manager that if that guy comes back in, and the store manager placates him and apologizes/gives him something free, she will quit. Dunno how people can put up with it. Like, I wasn't even the one getting yelled at, and I wanted to kick that shithead's ass. Luckily, there were some cool people there, so we managed to calm her down and make light of the situation by pointing out the rather obvious shortcomings of the customer.
So anyway, the customer started accusing ccity of scratching her DVD.

It's like, you bought it EIGHT FUCKING MONTHS AGO.

Then there was this issue with fullscreen vs. widescreen. Customer had the fullscreen, we no longer sold it. So the CSA offered to exchange it for the widescreen. Pretty fucking nice thing to do, considering that it's been EIGHT MONTHS since it was purchased.

So she gets all like "I want to speak to the store manager right now blah blah blah I'm a stupid bitch."
So I go and grab the TV manager, and we explain the situation to him in a back room, and he's like "What an idiot. Watch this."

So he walks out and he's all like "No. You can't return it."
Then the CSA says "Well, I offered to exchange it for the widescreen."
The customer was like "Fine. I'll take the widescreen."
And the manager is like "No. It's been eight months, you can't exchange it at all. There's absolutely nothing I can do for you."

After that, we started liking him a whole lot better. Normally asshole customers get treated better, it was amazing to see a manager flat out refuse to do something.

Another time, this same manager was dealing with an asshole who was all pissed off at the same girl who got called a "little bitch" yesterday. Customer was trying to return something without a receipt. She was like "Well, we can't do that." and the customer was all like "you're wrong."
So, the manager got conned into giving the guy store credit for it.
But he had this great response: "The CSA was right. That's the policy. I will give you store credit only if you buy the exact same unit right now. You're not going to get store credit to buy something else."

Heh, a good 3,666th post.
I just HATE seeing customers getting rewarded for being completely ass-backwards neanderthals.

One time, I saw a customer walk up to a random associate who was on the register, and yell at her because she recieved bad service in the computers section.

Two hours later, I see the store manager giving them merchandise cheap to placate them.
I get a lot of kicks from hanging out in the room right behind the front counter, and watching the asshole customers, then making jokes about them.
One time I was on register and these assfucks came up to me, and they're like "We never shop at circuit city, Office Depot is a lot better."

it's like, wow, thanks, you fucking shithead. Start off with a hostile attitude towards me for no reason.

So then I say, in a real detached tone, "Oh, that's great."

So then they try to do the usual return merch without the receipt bullshit. IS IT THAT FUCKING HARD TO HOLD ONTO A LITTLE PIECE OF PAPER FOR A FUCKING MONTH?
They have a spindle of the $7.99 CD-Rs. Since they don't have a receipt, they can only return things for the current selling price, that's how it works. They insist that they spent at least $20 on them. It was so pathetic.
shithead "I want to return these CDs"
CSA "Alright, I'll get you a giftcard for $7.99"
shithead "I KNOW that these cost at least $20"
CSA "Ma'am, they are $7.99"
So they do the whole bitch and whine thing for a little bit, then walk past me on the way out, and they're like "We get treated better than this at Office Depot" and I'm like "Well, have a great time at Office Depot" and they gave me a really dirty look.

Like it's some kind of fucking threat, "We're gonna go shop at your competitor, hahaha!" to which I always reply "Well, have a lot of fun" in a completely non-sarcastic tone.

We have an online survey that customers get to use to bitch, our customer service ratings are at 36%. People go on the site solely to bitch. Management is puzzled. At least once a day, we have someone come in, look for a manager, and say "I bought a ___ here the other day from ____, and he/she was the most knowledgeable and helpful salesperson I have ever met."
I like to bitch a lot, but honestly, I think our store is pretty damn good.

So, we find out what customers say, and this one guy is like "My computer broke. When you guys fixed it, I lost all my data. I'm never going to shop here again. Unless you have a better price on something" and I'm like "Show some fuckin' resolve."
One time I was on register and these assfucks came up to me, and they're like "We never shop at circuit city, Office Depot is a lot better."

it's like, wow, thanks, you fucking shithead. Start off with a hostile attitude towards me for no reason.

So then I say, in a real detached tone, "Oh, that's great."

So then they try to do the usual return merch without the receipt bullshit. IS IT THAT FUCKING HARD TO HOLD ONTO A LITTLE PIECE OF PAPER FOR A FUCKING MONTH?
They have a spindle of the $7.99 CD-Rs. Since they don't have a receipt, they can only return things for the current selling price, that's how it works. They insist that they spent at least $20 on them. It was so pathetic.
shithead "I want to return these CDs"
CSA "Alright, I'll get you a giftcard for $7.99"
shithead "I KNOW that these cost at least $20"
CSA "Ma'am, they are $7.99"
So they do the whole bitch and whine thing for a little bit, then walk past me on the way out, and they're like "We get treated better than this at Office Depot" and I'm like "Well, have a great time at Office Depot" and they gave me a really dirty look.

Man, you passed up a Golden opportunity. When she said "I know these cost at least $20" .... she left herself wide open for "Yes ... at Office depot where you probably bought."

Gotta think on the feet....

also gotta remember why I don't work in customer service ...... or any job where tips are part of the pay
So, the manager called me this afternoon, he wanted me to come in and cover the register because someone called out. I told him that I'd think about it and call back. I called one of my coworkers to see if he could come in. He didn't want to (he was the whiny bitch that didn't show up yesterday) and he said no, so I called back. I checked to confirm that the girl I like had already left (she's got plans for tonight, and I don't want them to con her into working tonight), then I told the CS people that I wanted to take a break, and to call somebody else.

I get tired of taking shit from them. They'll give me a hard time because they know they can. If someone calls out, I'm the first person they call in. If there's a pointless and degrading task to be done, I'm the person they ask to do it. The girl I like was telling me that I need to stop taking their shit, and just say "no".

I try to be a nice guy and help out, but as a result, management and a few of my coworkers try to take advantage of that. I don't mind covering for the girl I like so that she doesn't have to work a 12 hour shift, but I'm not gonna come in with 15 minutes notice just so Technology doesn't have to send one of their six salespeople to the register.
The manager in question has said that he would rather have six people in tech and noone in Merch than five in tech and one in merch, depsite merch being just as large as tech.

If there are three tech guys standing around chatting, and I walk up to them and talk, he tells me to go help customers, then talks to them about fantasy football.

The CSA girl who I was talking to told me that the manager ended up having to do some of the CSA work, which cracked me up.
The TV guys piss me off.

THIRTY MINUTES after we close, we have one register left open. Apparantly, some fucktard is spending $9,000 in cash. It's a testament to our selling team, as our most expensive shit is like $5k, so they really loaded him up. Still, it was annoying.

See, there's the girl that I dig. She got a job because she has been really good friends with another girl who works there since high school.

So, the friend is a nice girl too, and one of the warehouse guys is dating her, and he's a really cool dude too. The way the scheduling works, I hang out with both of them a lot.

So, I count all the cash in the register, which was about $10,500, half of which was 20s. The friend was rather bummed, because she needs to count all the cash after the registers are closed (we close 'em and count 'em, then give 'em to her to check and put in the safe), and this fucker is taking like forever. Now, I'm obviously going to close the register. I could make the TV sales guy who rang it up close it, but he was still sellin' even after the sale, so I figured that the only way to do it right and in a timely manner was to do it myself. I ain't about to force someone who I consider a friend, and who the girl I like considers a very close friend to count $10k TWICE. I coulda left a half hour earlier, but that's not what I do. There are people there who think only of themselves, and I ain't one of 'em.

So then I get started talking about those damn TV and computer people...

It would take too long to go into detail right now, but suffice it to say, those people greatly inconvenience others to avoid a minimal amount of effort on their own part.
The TV guys piss me off.

THIRTY MINUTES after we close, we have one register left open. Apparantly, some fucktard is spending $9,000 in cash. It's a testament to our selling team, as our most expensive shit is like $5k, so they really loaded him up. Still, it was annoying.

See, there's the girl that I dig. She got a job because she has been really good friends with another girl who works there since high school.

So, the friend is a nice girl too, and one of the warehouse guys is dating her, and he's a really cool dude too. The way the scheduling works, I hang out with both of them a lot.

So, I count all the cash in the register, which was about $10,500, half of which was 20s. The friend was rather bummed, because she needs to count all the cash after the registers are closed (we close 'em and count 'em, then give 'em to her to check and put in the safe), and this fucker is taking like forever. Now, I'm obviously going to close the register. I could make the TV sales guy who rang it up close it, but he was still sellin' even after the sale, so I figured that the only way to do it right and in a timely manner was to do it myself. I ain't about to force someone who I consider a friend, and who the girl I like considers a very close friend to count $10k TWICE. I coulda left a half hour earlier, but that's not what I do. There are people there who think only of themselves, and I ain't one of 'em.

So then I get started talking about those damn TV and computer people...

It would take too long to go into detail right now, but suffice it to say, those people greatly inconvenience others to avoid a minimal amount of effort on their own part.