Altron, buddy. I have a hard time understanding your logic, because I may sometimes lack it.
You should really try to stop analyzing everything to such an extent, just do what feels right at the time.
Read my sig! Dooooo it man....
"All you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be."
Think about that...
Do what feels right at the time with the girl(s). If it works out, grand. If not, trust me man, there are plenty more out there. Even if you think you have found the one of a kind, you're probably wrong. I've been there many times.
Over Christmas I met a girl from Holland here on an exchange program. I swear I fell in love with her the second I met her, which has NEVER happened to me. We hung out over the xmas break.. I loved talking with her, she's beautiful... blah blah blah. Too bad my job keeps me at sea 6 months of the year usually, and I work in city 4 hours from her.
I'm heading home this weekend and will be seeing her as I get my buddy totally loaded for his bday. We're awesome friends, and still talk quite a bit while I'm here. Meh, it sucks.. I look forward to that day when I no longer feel that "blahh" in my chest when I think of her.
I have no regrets though, it is my job that kept me away this time.