Bitching thread....

*chuckles at the thought of Les's toes looking like bread pieces .


okay maybe more than chuckle.
I was going for peaceful all alone on the bench beside the pretty stream enjoying the sunshine...instead I got Attack of the Vengeful Ducks™ :(
Leslie said:
do you know what happens when people feed ducks?
they fucking bite the next chick that comes along with no food!! :cuss:

Aw man, you have my sympathy. Been there, done that.... only replace the ducks with those scary fucking geese. :eek:
Damn Sinus Headaches.............. :crying4:

Must be some sort of different pollen floating in the air here, sure isn't a change of seasons...Its still HOT here......
Leslie said:
do you know what happens when people feed ducks?
they fucking bite the next chick that comes along with no food!! :cuss:

for the love of toes everywhere, stop feeding the fucking ducks!!

i have a pond across the street from my house with a group of about 12-14 canadian geese... talk about nasty... they mob ya and hiss and snap if you don't give 'em food... i'm all for wildlife and conservation, but something needs to be done about these guys

import a few coyote's maybe :devious:
brownjenkins said:
i have a pond across the street from my house with a group of about 12-14 canadian geese... talk about nasty... they mob ya and hiss and snap if you don't give 'em food... i'm all for wildlife and conservation, but something needs to be done about these guys

import a few coyote's maybe :devious:
perhaps a wiemeraner (sp? a big ol' silvery dog). i had one that used to make sport of killing them. she would jump on them, step on one wing, step on the other, then break their necks with her mouth. i can only assume that her previous owner (and the person that abandoned her in downtown baton rouge) was a hunter. she used to do this in the small trailer park i lived in....but you know what? after i would put the dog back in the 6 ft privacy fence she had jumped and go to dispose of the bird it would always be gone. one of my neighbors musta had a taste for goose.
tonksy said:
perhaps a wiemeraner (sp? a big ol' silvery dog). i had one that used to make sport of killing them. she would jump on them, step on one wing, step on the other, then break their necks with her mouth. i can only assume that her previous owner (and the person that abandoned her in downtown baton rouge) was a hunter. she used to do this in the small trailer park i lived in....but you know what? after i would put the dog back in the 6 ft privacy fence she had jumped and go to dispose of the bird it would always be gone. one of my neighbors musta had a taste for goose.

good plan... i'm looking for something where i'm not directly accountable :evilcool:
Went to Laurel Park yesterday, and it's full of geese at the pond. Some of those suckers are getting nice and fat, too. I need to go back after dark with the 12 gauge.
HomeLAN said:
Went to Laurel Park yesterday, and it's full of geese at the pond. Some of those suckers are getting nice and fat, too. I need to go back after dark with the 12 gauge.
we'll bring the wine?
Leslie said:
I'd pay the credit card then use the credit card to pay the phone bill :lloyd:
Would if I could Les. My cellphone is on direct debit as is my credit card but I managed to fix it by switching the card over to minimum payment instead of full :lloyd:

Next step is to find a new job because today I found out they have no intention of finding me a new assignment in the immediate future so now I need to sign on for jobseekers allowance and get my ass looking for work.

Happy days.
Y'know, if you time it just right, you can catch a goose by the neck as it lunges to bite you, and with just a quick flick of the wrist, snap it's neck. Should anyone say anything, you were just defending yourself. And if you react fast, you can grab it as though it's just fallen ill and claim you're taking it to the vet. If you're really the guilt tripping type, you can even invite a vet to supper that night.
Professur said:
Y'know, if you time it just right, you can catch a goose by the neck as it lunges to bite you, and with just a quick flick of the wrist, snap it's neck. Should anyone say anything, you were just defending yourself. And if you react fast, you can grab it as though it's just fallen ill and claim you're taking it to the vet. If you're really the guilt tripping type, you can even invite a vet to supper that night.

if ya gonna eat the goose yer gotta bleed it dude (yer kill a goose slowly, slit it's throat and let it bleed to death) if yer don't the meat tastes awful and and goes tough as hell when yer cook it ;)

I don't see what the hassle is with geese......they are only trying to intimidate ya.....flap yer arms around and shout at em and they soon fuck off and leave ya alone :shrug: ...... if they do snap at ya, give one of them a hefty and the rest soon get the message.
it seems we have different and far more frightening geese here...these ones will fight to the death to take a body down :eek5:

and it freakin' hurts when they bite!
Leslie said:
it seems we have different and far more frightening geese here...these ones will fight to the death to take a body down :eek5:

and it freakin' hurts when they bite! that case....

Might I point out the benefits of either an umbrella or a walking stick? A quick whack with either of those should do the trick....