Bitching thread....

Leslie said:
Still dunno wtf, but it was happening in TO too :eek6:

Planes have been flying lower than usual here for awhile...everyone is noticing it...we're close to the airport but they were NEVER as low as they have been this summer...
HomeLAN said:
I live within 3 miles of the airstrip of an AFB. I'm seriously used to it.
I lived within a mile up to last year...
and still live a half hours drive away from there. But I never seen nuttin like last night :eek6:
Shadowfax said:
i'm in a half-drunk fuck you mood today. well, fuck everyone. i'm pissed off. i'll keep on drinking.


C'mon, sing with me

para que nadie se quede sin chingar
para que todos chinguemos igual
chingo yo
chingas tú

Gotnolegs said:
I have a hangover you could sell to science...

*whispers*fuck you all

*Turns on "Sympathy for the Devil" really loud and then goes to the kitchen and kicks all the pots an pans out of the cupboard onto the the tile floor.*

Was it good for you? :flame:
chcr said:
*Turns on "Sympathy for the Devil" really loud and then goes to the kitchen and kicks all the pots an pans out of the cupboard onto the the tile floor.*

Was it good for you? :flame:

Just shut up and make me a bacon sandwich...
Gonz said:
Fondly remembers my drinking days (daze?)

Too right! Enjoy yer hangovers while yer can still have 'em GnL ;) :drink:

I could kill for a good hangover about now......

Bitching: Bored!! Want a legover but I'm too lazy today to go have one (just got back from work....I'm knackered).......feel like sitting and having a good chinwag but I'm too lazy to go do that as well......the football game on the telly (N.Ireland v's Poland) is about as exciting as watching an anorexic taking a shit......I'm feeling restless and irritable.....I may be going through a premature male menopause or summit :D
fuck you shadowfax! :p

i just want to bitch about women, about how most of them suck, and the ones who don't won't date me. something about being good friends, stupid shit like that. fucking, fucking, fucking, FUCKING. FUCK THIS PLACE! assholes!

i feel so much better now.
Luis G said:
Want to hit me hard? :brow:

:D :D

Hmmmm? Tempting!..... But no!

Now I'm even more pissed off!


My bloke had a bad neck the day!... yes?

Well... guess who stopped over at his place on Saturday night to discover that the cause of his muscular discomfort is?

Yes! ME!!!!!

Guess who woke up with a neck more stiff than... than...a stiff thing?


Its his bloody pillows!

"Do you turn and fluff?"

"turn and what?"

Aaaaaaaarrrrrggggggh! MEN! (present company!)