Book geeks

I told my friend I was reading Harry Potter the fifth novel

she in all seriousness asked me why I didn't just wait for the movie.

i'm just starting to get reaquainted with books...but its more like 1 book in 5 weeks...
That's been the biggest sufferer from the internet in my life. I used to voraciously read books. Then, between my kid, my wife, my job & solving th eworlds issues....I've lost time. I read 4-5 a year now.
Yep. I finished David Eddings Belgariad series in just over a week. :blush: The Otherland series took me about three weeks - I averaged one book in just under a week. I'm now on the second GRR Martin Ice and Fire book - I started the series beginning of last week. I periodically devour the Dune series (read dune! read dune!) in a month. Lord of the Rings takes me about a week and a half to read, and I've read it about eight times. Just for fun, I read most of the Histories of Middle Earth series (manuscripts edited together by Christopher Tolkien), one of which is written almost entirely in Lay format (Lay of Beleriand, and Lay of Leithian respectively). There are 12 Histories of Middle Earth books, and I've read books 1-5, 6-7, and bits of 10. Of course, my reading is somewhat hindered by the fact that I'm a full-time masters student, and working part-time, plus there's my internet addiction.....
I admittedely have not read a real book in a while. I really should start again as I used to be getting 6 a week from the local library.....maybe I should sign up again
I usually burn through at least a book a week. I read fast, and it's usually what I do on lunch hours.
i just to be an avid reader...but 2 toddlers and failing eyesight have taken their toll. i've been reading the same itty bitty book for ages (baron in the trees) it's a good book but by the time i crawl into bed and crack it open my eyes are so weary...i hate to read a book during the day because it's a sure fire way to attract small children...but at least that makes them interested in books, eh?
HomeLAN said:
I usually burn through at least a book a week. I read fast, and it's usually what I do on lunch hours.

Me too, since I quit smoking. Or 3 magasines. But the sheer volume of paper was upping my fire insurance (no, I've never gotten rid of any book, ever) that I've had to switch to e-books.
I read a lot, but all is computer sciences related, a quantity averaging 2 or 3 chapters daily. But these days i've been more busy developing projects for the vision course.

My non-science books had been put on hold, I haven't even finished plato's republic (and i started that one a long time ago).
Yup, me mother (bless her) had me reading books before I started school :nerd: (Enid Blyton, CSLewis...that kinda crap).

Me house soon got overflowing iwth the damn now I have only one bookshelf that holds about 250 books....when that's full I sell the lot, don't wanna get buried in the things again :) (Cept for me LotR and a few others I couldn't bare to part with).

Also sell a lot of books (well, 100's of the buggers) on the markets. :)

Don't read anywhere near as much as I used to......mebbe 1-2 books a week, sometimes more......simply ran out of books that interest me and am constantly waiting for authors to get their arse into gear and get new stuff on the shelves :shrug:
I used to read quite a bit more when I was taking the bus and metro (subway) to work or school...and more still when I used to work overnights. 2-3 books per week was my average. Now that I've got a car... well, red lights aren't THAT long. :D

Now...I've got a book and several magazines in the bathroom, and I can usually read the book in about 2 weeks or so...less time if my wife doesn't knock on the door and say "Don't fall asleep in there!"

I've got a 12 book 'to be read' pile in my library downstairs...and it grows weekly.
Leslie said:
I told my friend I was reading Harry Potter the fifth novel

she in all seriousness asked me why I didn't just wait for the movie.


i've read all of harry potter so far. lovely books.

my other fave author has to be anne rice. read 'em all!

halamikage has also got me reading a few nicholas sparks - sappy love, love books :D
BeardofPants said:
Yep. I finished David Eddings Belgariad series in just over a week. ...

ME TOO!!! ha ha ha.
Man, I loved those books.. I read them over and over.
I'd still be a big reader if books weren't so expensive.
(I'd go to the library, but I've got this awful habit of not returning books...... ever.....)