Boxers or Briefs-panties or thongs?

Found it!...I was right....I still had it on.... :sick:

I don't think this is gonna come clean.....and it was soooo comfortable...:mope:
Boxer-briefs...and I can pull it off. :)

On bequest of an ex-girlfriend, I once put on a pocket-thong for men...

On behalf of the male populations, we don't understand how you can stand having a wee bit of cotton rubbing up against your anus for hours like that...but

do carry on!
MrBishop said:
Boxer-briefs...and I can pull it off. :)

On bequest of an ex-girlfriend, I once put on a pocket-thong for men...

On behalf of the male populations, we don't understand how you can stand having a wee bit of cotton rubbing up against your anus for hours like that...but

do carry on!

well Bish see its like this

THONGS ARE FOR WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bishop......thongs are a seriously bad idea on a bloke, if they ride up and the string wraps around your wotsits, well, it doesn't bare thinking about :eyepop:
bleach said:
Bishop......thongs are a seriously bad idea on a bloke, if they ride up and the string wraps around your wotsits, well, it doesn't bare thinking about :eyepop:

It wasn't on that long, and then never again. Ye Gads!!!
dimme said:
Boxers, accept no substitutes...... but they do tend to get hot on a hot day :D

boxers rock on spring or fall days, when it's too hot, they bunch, too cold, also sucks

Commando is the best, excet for winter, cold fly, and mr. happy....don't think so

still a boxer brief man, the perfect fusion
Personally, thong or g-string, but I find the lacy boy cut ones very comfortable as well, depending on what i'm wearing.

Difference between thong and g-string is a thong has a larger piece of material in the back, whereas a g-string is exactly that, a string.

I prefer a man in a boxer brief, my man looks sexy in that, or of course with nothing. :D