Seeing a larger picture is helpful. Maybe you need glasses.
Hell, Bonzo, you didn't even understand what I said and you're accusing my of being blind. The "larger picture" is that there are in fact times when euthanasia
is the most humane action, whether or not you think so.
Already have glasses, BTW. Getting new ones tomorrow. Maybe that'll bring me around to your point of view.
I have no idea & don't care about Hawkings deity beliefs, although why this is even brought up is beyond me.
You suggest that I should want him dead since he
might have died once. I suggest that perhaps you should want him dead for an even more ridiculous reason. I always forget that you need the sarcasm tags, sorry.
Point of information though, that's
not euthanasia.
You seem to put me into the incorrect categories. I am capable of & adept at questioning both sides. Since so many here adamantly follow one path, I'll step along the other looking for different answers. I don't like crowds.
And of course, this is what it's really about. You didn't like something I said (in a PM) about you and now you'll accuse me of any number of things. If it makes you feel better about yourself, fine. I really couldn't care less.
For the record, There are clearly situations where, in hindsight, euthanasia would have been the kindiest, most humane thing to do. Exactly as I said.
Re the subject at hand, I've always felt that there are circumstances under which euthanasia (and that's what we're really discussing regardless of emotional protestations) is not only justified, but a kindness bordering on a necessity.
However, who feels qualified to make such a judgement in advance? Not me. I don't think that the "experts" can predict what will happen in any given case with enough certainty to make such a judgement so while I understand the impulse behind introducing such an idea, I would certainly be against it. Thus:
My problem with that is and always has been; Who decides?
Now regarding abortion (since you brought it up), I personally believe that anyone who uses it as a birth control method should be permanently sterilized with extreme prejudice. It's not, however, my uterus or my body, so while I have an opinion I don't have the right to decide for someone else. There are, OTOH, situations where abortion (why isn't it "abourtion" in Canada?) is the only choice.
The Stephen Hawking tirade had nothing to do with any opinion I presented, which I tried to point out to you (twicet). You had your teeth in an emotional hissy fit though, and wouldn't stop. Will you stop now?