Burn baby, BURN!!


Well-Known Member
Just saying.

Ohhhhh, the moosies will get mad......oh, nooooooooo!!

it's amazing how a small group of morons can incite such a response. what a christian thing to do!

maybe the anger it incites will result in the deaths of some additional US troops. really, a winner for all.

Well, wait just a minute! Are you talking about those moderate, peace loving moosies?? They would never even consider taking an American life.........or would they?? :hmm:

While I'm not the book burning type myself, I could careless if they burn an off the shelf holy-book.

Minxy, I thought you were all for Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion, ....even if its offensive. If it were a Bible, maybe an American flag....?


roll me in bacon fat and call me infidel

Liberals always side with the enemy
That makes them the enemy too

Lawdy Lawd I love a livin' inna black and white world.

The only good moosie is a dead moosie!
it's within their rights to burn korans.

petraus was right. but i guess you don't his advice to get in the way of your vitriol.

this has got to be the dumbest thread of the week.
it's within their rights to burn korans.

petraus was right. but i guess you don't his advice to get in the way of your vitriol.

this has got to be the dumbest thread of the week.

The American people are right, the Ground Zero Mosques is offensive and should not be built. Build the Ground- Mosque, expect more violence. From all sides, for a very long time.

Jihad cometh to America.

aw c'mon minks join in its fun
its a coupla thousand year old game

While the scary Soviets had nukes
these guys in dirty night shirts can't even
get their fruit of the looms to go ka-boom

what a great way to justify the military industro-complex?
This "Pastor" is an asshole. However, our troops are fighting for the right to do exactly what this asshole is doing.

Much like the Ground Zero Mosque & Islamic Playgound, he, and they, have every right to pursue their ends. None of us has the right to stop them.

That does not make either of them right.
congrats. You all kneejerked exactly as you've been trained to do. I've got one question ... who supplied all the Koran's to burn? I sure hope they weren't bought with parish donations.
How about a negotiation.....?
Don't build the mosque at ground zero, the the church doesn't burn the Koran
I suppose that a good ol'fashioned book burning of Bibles would be just fine and dandy as well?

The pastor's buying trouble not only for himself but for all the people who strive to protect the freedoms he's hiding behind.

Go ahead Pastor, good ol' book burning! It's the American Way.
I suppose that a good ol'fashioned book burning of Bibles would be just fine and dandy as well?
The pastor's buying trouble not only for himself but for all the people who strive to protect the freedoms he's hiding behind.

It happens all the time, but you don't see Christians threatening to hurt people because of it.
Buying trouble? (there's the difference)
Such a religion of peace alright.:rolleyes:

If you can't see the difference, you simply choose not to, and there's no reason to discuss it farther then.
You never will, just like Spike.
Again, I'm NOT a supporter of book burning burning, I never burned book out of protest. But someone is buying off-the-shelf books, like the koran I have, and burning it who am I to stop him?

Military personnel threw away, and ultimately burned, confiscated Bibles that were printed in the two most common Afghan languages amid concern they would be used to try to convert Afghans, a Defense Department spokesman said Tuesday.

Sucha tolerant part of the world

Bottom line is: burning the Koran is a protest. Build the mosque, expect more protest including violence.