Burn baby, BURN!!

It has been pointed out that the ACLU has not stepped up for the defense of pastor Jones' constitutional rights of free speech/expression/assembly......wasupwitdat??
either that or it's simply not public knowledge or too new for them to have mobilized something.

historically they've represented folks like your buddies in the klan, fighting for the right of all - even the stupid - to free speech, despite finding their ideologies sickening.
no. he's a dipshit. you think jebus would burn the holy book of another? great example he's setting.
‎"Where they burn books, so too will they in the end burn human beings."

1821 play, Almansor, Heinrich Heine — referring to the burning of the Muslim holy book, the Qur'an, during the Spanish Inquisition
It happens all the time, but you don't see Christians threatening to hurt people because of it.
Buying trouble? (there's the difference)
Such a religion of peace alright.:rolleyes:

If you can't see the difference, you simply choose not to, and there's no reason to discuss it farther then.
You never will, just like Spike.

Bibles are burned all the time...with ceremony and honour for the book being burned. It's the way to get rid of old Bibles that may have fallen apart or been damaged, or are no longer being used. None of these events are promoted in the press by those doing the burning and none of them are meant to be political statements.

This isn't about what's being burned, per se, but the message behind the event. The pastor should listen to the old proverb:

Your life may be the only Bible some people read.
The Roman Catholic church banned it (Cremation) in 1886. Burning bodies was for criminals, unbelievers and due to plagues. :shrug:
The Bible is pretty specific on burial though. (Genesis 23:19; 35:4; 2 Chronicles 16:14; Matthew 27:60-66)
The Roman Catholic church banned it (Cremation) in 1886. Burning bodies was for criminals, unbelievers and due to plagues. :shrug:
The Bible is pretty specific on burial though. (Genesis 23:19; 35:4; 2 Chronicles 16:14; Matthew 27:60-66)

I'm not Catholic.

I see nothing in those passages you've referenced that has anything to do with the subject.?(