Bush administration trying to pre-pardon themselves for war crimes

Um ... wait a sec. The senate changed the status for the prisoners from terrorists to prisoners of war ... when?
All Presidents, save GW, have a buttload of pardons. Hey, another reason to like Bush2.
Does one way make pardoning yourself more honorable?

Actually, yes. I'm presuming that the Senate is run by the party opposing the President's party. Correct me if I'm wrong there.

Now, when *certain actions* were taken against *detainees* they were not "officially" prisoners of war, and as such, the GC didn't apply. IMHO, it's not supposed to apply to non-uniformed combatants.

Now, if their status was changed to "POW" by the senate for humanitarian reasons that's one thing. If it was changed for political reasons, that's another thing entirely.

Now, as stated above, I don't know, or even care to know any more about your political structure than I already to. Frankly, it's an SEP to me. But if someone grabs the wheel of a car you're driving and turns you head on to a wall, I think you've got a right to elbow him in the mouth to regain control. Which is about where I see this.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
actually, republicans control the legilsative branch, both houses (house of representitives and the senate)
I'm presuming that the Senate is run by the party opposing the President's party.

Interesting take from a near outsider.

The Senate is about 56-44 (R) to (D). Not enough to stop cloture but enough to win all the votes. STILL, it seems as theHouse of Lords are all opposing.
he's being pro-active just in case he might have broken a few laws here and there. covering all asses. or is it bases? whatever, it's gotta be a good thing.
well that heavily made up american bloke seemed pretty biased ..words like 'stooges' are a sure giveaway ...

... to be fair my first thought was the video compression is not a patch on CNN's ...

but i digress ...

(i do that y'know...)

reet - left or right, he makes, as a journalist, an interesting point - this to me should not be a party political point, despite the obvious leanings of the reporter - i don't give a hoot about any historical precedents on this - it is an interesting debate - can one (anyone) attempt to retroactively pardon themselves from any responsibility?

Forgetting personalities or those involved for a minute - and focusing purely on the simple question at hand - can our leaders - anyone, anywhere ... pro-actively pre-empt censure or justice or pass law(s) putting themselves above the freedoms of justice and the said law?

Is that what our Soldiers fight for?

To have the very ideals and principles great nations are founded on, and defended in the name of, bamboozled in a pre-emptive veritable indirect attack on the bill of rights and the basis of freedom and our concept of justice by a 'get out of jail free' political card???

As i say - an interesting question.

best, BB
Why the hell would I want to be part of a farce?

What's it got to do with Bush pardoning himself?
Why the hell would I want to be part of a farce?

It's called "seeing for yourself"...or "putting your ass on the line for your beliefs"...or, even, "finding out the truth".

spike said:
What's it got to do with Bush pardoning himself?

About the same as every post you've made that has to do with anything but I hate GW.
It's called "seeing for yourself"...or "putting your ass on the line for your beliefs"...or, even, "finding out the truth".

Putting my ass on the line for a farce? That'd be silly.

Are you a recruiter?

I hate GW? I don't think I've ever even said that on the forums here. Weird.