Bush Signs U.S.-Mexico Border Fence Bill

Well, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above
But don't fence me in
Let me ride through that wide open country that I love
Don't fence me in
Let me be by myself in the evenin' breeze
Listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees
Send me off forever but I ask you please
Don't fence me in

Just turn me loose, let me straddle my old saddle
Underneath the western skies
On my cayuse, let me wander over yonder
Till I see the mountains rise

I want to ride to the ridge where the west commences
Gaze at the moon till I lose my senses
I don't like hobbles and I can't stand fences
Don't fence me in

Just turn me loose, let me straddle my old saddle
Underneath the western skies
On my cayuse, let me wander over yonder
Till I see the mountains rise

I want to ride to the ridge where the west commences
Gaze at that ole moon until I lose my senses
I can't stand them hobbles and I don't care for fences
Don't fence me in

Oh no...don't you fence me in
They don't really need a fence/wall. All they need is to put two man sniper teams every kilometer and let them go to work.
The fence near San Diego has provided quite a bit of help. This one is silly but anything that helps is good. Will it stop them all? Of course not. Will it provide a deterent & possibly slow the invasion enough to get the Border Patrol to the location? Yep.

For Presidente Fox & the others who keep reminding us of Berlin...That was in one city in one country. This is a work of art on the border, ala Christo.
They don't really need a fence/wall. All they need is to put two man sniper teams every kilometer and let them go to work.

Been in favor for some time to put the army and marines on manouvers close to the border, live ammo of course. Along with a couple platoons of M1A abrams that would provide an excelent deterent..
Been in favor for some time to put the army and marines on manouvers close to the border, live ammo of course. Along with a couple platoons of M1A abrams that would provide an excelent deterent..

Posse Comitatus...although, as the years pass & the invasion grows, it may fall under defense of th enation.
It's not enough, and it's juuuust a little late. Gotta be done though.

The Secure Fence Act authorizes the construction of at least
two layers of reinforced fencing around the border town of
Tecate, Calif., and a huge expanse stretching from Calexico,
Calif., to Douglas, Ariz. -- virtually the entire length of
Arizona's border with Mexico. Another expanse would stretch
over much of the southern border of New Mexico, with another
section winding through Texas, from Del Rio to Eagle Pass,
and from Laredo to Brownsville.

The Department of Homeland Security would be required to
install an intricate network of surveillance cameras on the
Arizona border by May 30, 2007, with the entire fence set
for completion by the end of 2008.

Lawmakers from both parties conceded that even at 700 miles
in length, the barrier would leave nearly 1,300 miles of
border uncovered.

Foes of illegal immigration had clamored for the bill,
flooding lawmakers' phones in the past week and sending
lawmakers bricks symbolizing the wall they want on the
southern border. Advocates of the measure called it a
landmark step toward securing the nation's porous borders.
"Fortifying our borders is an integral component of national
security," Frist said. "We can't afford to wait."
But opponents dismissed it as a political stunt, an
international disgrace and an affront to the ideals laid out
by Bush earlier this year when he called for legislation
that would couple a border crackdown with new paths to
lawful work and citizenship for foreigners seeking entry and
for the nation's estimated 12 million undocumented workers.

"A fence will slow people down by a minute or two, but if you don't have the agents to stop them it does no good. We're not talking about some impenetrable barrier," T.J. Bonner, president of the National Border Patrol Council, a union representing Border Patrol agents, said Wednesday.

Although a majority of Americans support increasing the number of Border Patrol agents along the U.S.-Mexico border, most do not support building a 700-mile fence along the border, according to a CNN poll released Wednesday.


Good work, keep wasting money and going against the will of the people.
I know a guy that crossed the border illegaly (through the dessert) in his car. Makes you wonder what else can go through.
Well, whether a body thinks it's a waste or not, the 'whole' project,
(more guards, fence, diplomacy, new laws?, polices, and/or whatever),
needs to be done, and completed. IMHO

I wonder how many other countries have open borders?
I know a guy that crossed the border illegaly (through the dessert) in his car. Makes you wonder what else can go through.

:laugh: With a little running start he could probably rip out a big section of fence with the car.
Well, whether a body thinks it's a waste or not, the 'whole' project,
(more guards, fence, diplomacy, new laws?, polices, and/or whatever),
needs to be done, and completed. IMHO

I wonder how many other countries have open borders?
Haiti / Dominican Republic *No physical borders, border guards etc...

*and the Dominicans say pretty much the same thing about the Haitians as Americans say about Mexicans.
Theres no fence between Haiti and the DR because its equally bleak on either side. Noone has any real reason to shuffle about.
*and the Dominicans say pretty much the same thing about the Haitians as Americans say about Mexicans.

That they're good people & hard workers but it'd be nice if they just stay home this Christmas?