Bush to Call on Guard to Bolster Border

Smoke and mirrors. For every one they catch, 8 more get past them. Of the ones they do catch, how many go home, have a beer, and come back a mile further down the fence and make it?

This problem will not be solved with pretty words and empty threats. It will be solved when we guard our borders like every other nation guards theirs...diligently, forcefully, and consistently.
The National Guard actually guarding the nation? I never thought I would see that in my lifetime. I got used to them being in Vietnam, Asscrackistan,... basically halfway around the world.
Who wants to bet they're only gona be bodies with eyes. No police authority. No stopping illegals authority. No blowing away the drug dealers authority. No re-starting the Mexican American War when th eMexican military gets caught on our side of the fence.

No nothing.
Gonz said:
Who wants to bet they're only gona be bodies with eyes. No police authority. No stopping illegals authority. No blowing away the drug dealers authority. No re-starting the Mexican American War when th eMexican military gets caught on our side of the fence.

No nothing.

Like Barney Fife? The gun is in the holster but no more then one bullit? In the pocket not the gun....
they'll probably make them stand around without magazines in their rifles like the marines had to in beirut...

isn't there something about pussy communists, er, posse coo-mee-tah-tus (sp?) in all this?
Posse Comitatus no longer applies. They're invading...one or two at a time.
*jumps about* pussy communist...pussy communist...pussy communistpussy communist...

Hey, that feels good
The Senate bill requires employers to check Social Security numbers and the immigration status of all new hires within 18 months after money is provided to the Homeland Security Department to expand the electronic system for screening workers.

Workers' information would have to be submitted to the electronic system within three days after the worker is hired. The Homeland Security Department would have to confirm the worker is legal or tell the employer the worker can't be immediately confirmed as a legal worker within 10 days.

The measure provides workers opportunities to contest the system's determination and to correct information that may be incorrectly flagging them as illegal workers. It also protects employers from liability if the screening system makes a mistake.

The House passed a bill in December that would impose fines on employers of undocumented workers ranging from $5,000 to $40,000. But, unlike the Senate bill, the House measure would require employers to screen all employees — an estimated 140 million people — instead of only new hires.

New Bill Passes

Hmmm... sounds familiar.

So....of our American members, are you looking forward to proving your citizenship? I bet that your boss isn't.

I foresee a HUGE delay in information and a tangled bureaucratic mess. 140 Million requests and the seriously think that they can have a 10-day turnaround?
MrBishop said:
New Bill Passes

Hmmm... sounds familiar.

So....of our American members, are you looking forward to proving your citizenship? I bet that your boss isn't.

I foresee a HUGE delay in information and a tangled bureaucratic mess. 140 Million requests and the seriously think that they can have a 10-day turnaround?
For most working citizens that info is already in the system. We already submit all new hires electronically. I suspect more places do than don't.

OTOH, given the state of communications between govt. agencies, you might be right.
MrBishop said:
New Bill Passes

Hmmm... sounds familiar.

So....of our American members, are you looking forward to proving your citizenship? I bet that your boss isn't.

I foresee a HUGE delay in information and a tangled bureaucratic mess. 140 Million requests and the seriously think that they can have a 10-day turnaround?

I have no problem with it, and I'm the one who'll have to do it here. They've already developed and deployed fast, easy, efficient web-based solutions for verifying SSN's. All they have to do is expand the server capacity. For huge employers, it'll probably be an elelctronic upload system, much like the one currently used for W-2's and other year-end tax forms.

Big fuckin' deal.

The initial deal may be a bit painful, but you don't make omelets without popping open eggs. It's a solution, it sounds workable to me (and again, I AM an employer), and I'll go with it. Stop whining about the bother of implementing the soultion.