Cain did good tonight.

I really don't think Romney will make it, or Newt.
I'm betting Perry, but Santorum is a wild card now atm.

I don't see anyone else jumping in, unless Trump does later.
That's possible, but I don't know if he's electable.

IMO just about anyone is going to beat Obama, even if people have to
hold their nose again.
I just think Perry has the best 'look'/'face'.
It's been a "silver, or lead" position for a while I think. (note Kennedy)
the problem is that most of the R candidates seem foundationally irrational - asking god for help with the economy, cain's flipflops about islam, bachmann's bizarre assertions, et cetera. obama comes off as lacking executive competence and being too far left for most, but he does not appear to be irrational, just somewhat lame. romney is the only R that does not come off as a seething, childish ideologue. well, mccotter too, but his profile seems pretty low right now.
When is Sarah jumping in? I figure she'll wait until late Aug, early Sept. I just don't see any players other than her who represent American freedoms like Palin. She is the won for 2012.
yes she represents the freedom to embrace stupid platitudes and childish obviousness, jump on a bandwagon, and never have to think for oneself.

unfortunately she's got the gift of spontaneous uninformed confabulation, and that is really going to hurt her. she is still katie couric's bitch. and then there is how obvious it is that she's more of an attention/celebrity-seeker than a political mind. raccoon-eyes bachmann is so much more composed.

and mccotter is ignored, because he's not a camera whore... kinda says something about the what right values today, huh?
nope. those ideas are fine and dandy. keep trying. and while you're at it, try to pray out the gay, jim.
yep either way will get obama reelected.

bigot boy and "pray for the economy" dipshit will go nowhere, despite that the latter is polling pretty good right now.
um, when faced with a choice between crazy and lame...

y'all really need to get with it. all that crazy jesus shit - nothing wrong with level-headed jesus shit - but, um, jeeez...

pray away the gay is so... gay...
a prayer stadium? really rick?

show me a true laissez-faire candidate. but keep all those retards in the closet. please. get some dignity.
meh, Perry is just making some radical showings to get his name out there in the headlines.

He'll calm down on that end the closer it gets...maybe next year.
gotta save up the books for now, and wait for the late night street riots to begin.
I'm guessing mid Nov 2012.
The book burning was done by the same twits who wore white sheets & hanged the blackies...
