Calling ANY SANE person...

whoreable said:
PuterTutor said:
whoreable said:
PuterTutor said:
That's It, I'm going to start back up again, if for no other reason that to ensure that if LL and I ever meet in person, he won't kiss me.

don't worry i still will. you are a supermodel right??

Ummm, Yeah. Sure. Look just like Britney Spears, only with bigger tits.


damnit i am doing it agian. please god make me stop
LastLegionary said:
OK nalani, here is the thing (this is NOT targetted at ANYONE, its an OPINION).

I won't date a smoker period. Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtry for me. Its disgusting. Even my coworker that IS a smoker (2 packs a day) prefers non smokers. And a nicotine mouth won't ever get close to mine. I don't want to suck or taste nicotine, I want to taste my girl. Neither will she ever get under my waist because quite frankly, it disgusts me to think a smoker sucking a dick. Not to mention everywhere they go little pieces of lung.., err, mucus are couged up, ashes flying everywhere, stinks up every place, and its absolutely DISGUSTING when smokers toss their butt out the window of a car or stops it out in front of a mall. Yes I'm a nazi with respect to smoking. You get on the bus and I'm there, you put it out or I throw you off. You will not infringe on my right to fresh air. And don't give me crap of pollution, this is an opinion and you SMELL smoke unlike car exaust.

Opinion guys, ok? I don't mean to offend anyone here. I'm just a little shocked to learn that so many people smoke. I have 0 friends that smoke, and a couple of coworkers. I don't make friends with smokers in real life. Very very very few students at Waterloo actually smokes. I don't know anyone.

Did we ask? Maybe I missed that part. ;)
I don't make friends with smokers in real life

too bad, we're some pretty decent people

lol, read: "REAL LIFE" Yes you guys are very nice and very decent, which is why it saddens me that so many of you smoke. You're not just killing yourself, but those around you as well including children. :( I know saying this won't change anything, but I have GREAT admiration for Puter who quit, and I have GREAT admiration for ANYONE that quits. :) Remember, its a mind thing.. You CAN if you want to ;)
I am gonna go the other way and say.

(time to encourage the smokers)
Thats a good smoker.
Now give them the bird.

Smokers rule!!!!

It is awsome that you smoke. now you need to stop.
I'm getting closer to the damned report. The UK Telgraph dropped it's link (hiding it)

Passive smoking doesn't cause cancer - official
By Victoria Macdonald, Health Correspondent
THE world's leading health organisation has withheld from publication a study which shows that not only might there be no link between passive smoking and lung cancer but that it could even have a protective effect.

The astounding results are set to throw wide open the debate on passive smoking health risks. The World Health Organisation, which commissioned the 12-centre, seven-country European study has failed to make the findings public, and has instead produced only a summary of the results in an internal report.

Despite repeated approaches, nobody at the WHO headquarters in Geneva would comment on the findings last week. At its International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France, which coordinated the study, a spokesman would say only that the full report had been submitted to a science journal and no publication date had been set.

The findings are certain to be an embarrassment to the WHO, which has spent years and vast sums on anti-smoking and anti-tobacco campaigns. The study is one of the largest ever to look at the link between passive smoking - or environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) - and lung cancer, and had been eagerly awaited by medical experts and campaigning groups.

Yet the scientists have found that there was no statistical evidence that passive smoking caused lung cancer. The research compared 650 lung cancer patients with 1,542 healthy people. It looked at people who were married to smokers, worked with smokers, both worked and were married to smokers, and those who grew up with smokers.

The results are consistent with their being no additional risk for a person living or working with a smoker and could be consistent with passive smoke having a protective effect against lung cancer. The summary, seen by The Telegraph, also states: "There was no association between lung cancer risk and ETS exposure during childhood."

A spokesman for Action on Smoking and Health said the findings "seem rather surprising given the evidence from other major reviews on the subject which have shown a clear association between passive smoking and a number of diseases." Roy Castle, the jazz musician and television presenter who died from lung cancer in 1994, claimed that he contracted the disease from years of inhaling smoke while performing in pubs and clubs.

A report published in the British Medical Journal last October was hailed by the anti-tobacco lobby as definitive proof when it claimed that non-smokers living with smokers had a 25 per cent risk of developing lung cancer. But yesterday, Dr Chris Proctor, head of science for BAT Industries, the tobacco group, said the findings had to be taken seriously. "If this study cannot find any statistically valid risk you have to ask if there can be any risk at all.

"It confirms what we and many other scientists have long believed, that while smoking in public may be annoying to some non-smokers, the science does not show that being around a smoker is a lung-cancer risk." The WHO study results come at a time when the British Government has made clear its intention to crack down on smoking in thousands of public places, including bars and restaurants.

The Government's own Scientific Committee on Smoking and Health is also expected to report shortly - possibly in time for this Wednesday's National No Smoking day - on the hazards of passive smoking.
LastLegionary said:
OK nalani, here is the thing (this is NOT targetted at ANYONE, its an OPINION).

I won't date a smoker period. Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtry for me. Its disgusting. Even my coworker that IS a smoker (2 packs a day) prefers non smokers. And a nicotine mouth won't ever get close to mine. I don't want to suck or taste nicotine, I want to taste my girl. Neither will she ever get under my waist because quite frankly, it disgusts me to think a smoker sucking a dick. Not to mention everywhere they go little pieces of lung.., err, mucus are couged up, ashes flying everywhere, stinks up every place, and its absolutely DISGUSTING when smokers toss their butt out the window of a car or stops it out in front of a mall. Yes I'm a nazi with respect to smoking. You get on the bus and I'm there, you put it out or I throw you off. You will not infringe on my right to fresh air. And don't give me crap of pollution, this is an opinion and you SMELL smoke unlike car exaust.

Opinion guys, ok? I don't mean to offend anyone here. I'm just a little shocked to learn that so many people smoke. I have 0 friends that smoke, and a couple of coworkers. I don't make friends with smokers in real life. Very very very few students at Waterloo actually smokes. I don't know anyone.

You didn' mean to offend anyone? And you already knew that a hell of a lot of people here smoke? And you posted this anyway?

I begin to question your intelligence, which is a shame because until now I thought you were fairly smart.

There is a link between financial success, and smoking. The relationship is inverted. However, there are exceptions to every rule, and you've made some heavy implications here, LL.

Before you ask, yes I smoke. I also take it outside. That's merely polite - a term you may wish to investigate.
I don't smoke asphalt and cyanide, thanks. They need it for the pavements... with smokers spitting in the road cracks, it would be way less costly to patch :D.
HomeLAN said:
You didn' mean to offend anyone? And you already knew that a hell of a lot of people here smoke? And you posted this anyway?

I begin to question your intelligence, which is a shame because until now I thought you were fairly smart.

There is a link between financial success, and smoking. The relationship is inverted. However, there are exceptions to every rule, and you've made some heavy implications here, LL.

Before you ask, yes I smoke. I also take it outside. That's merely polite - a term you may wish to investigate.
OK, sorry if I come forth a little strong. First, an opinoin shouldn't offend anyone, because its just an opinion and everyone has the right to his or her opinion. So peace. Two, I don't really care for the financial part. If you want to smoke, by all means, but not around me. Third, THANK YOU for taking it outside. A lot of smoker do, and I don't mind that so much, but there are a number that light up where they are regardless of who is around them, and they give smokers the bad name.

Gonz, I'm not worried about lung cancer, but I'm worried about absorbing all the poisons, not to mention the smell is horrible, and it stinks up your clothes if someone smells near you.

I'm really sorry if I offended anyone, it is not my purpose here. But I'm a little sad because so many of you guys smoke. I lost a grandfather to smoking, and used to have asthma, and now smoking is just annoying. Its really interesting, because I can honestly say I don't know anyone on a personal basis that smokes, nor does anyone I know smoke at parties we have. ?(
Actually, you need to add me to the list as well. I smoked a pipe twice a week from 18-22 and cigars 3 times a week from 27-31. I don't do anything tobacco anymore as it just affects me wrongly.
You? a pipe? *pictures the long haired you guy with a pipe in his mouth and a daisy in his hair with a pink shirt* :rofl2:
Actually, it suited his personality nicely. It just apparently didn't agree with him.

Peace, LL. My real aim was to try to temper your "enthusiasm" and point out that not all smokers light up in your house or car without asking.
HomeLAN said:
Actually, it suited his personality nicely. It just apparently didn't agree with him.

Peace, LL. My real aim was to try to temper your "enthusiasm" and point out that not all smokers light up in your house or car without asking.
Aye, I respect a smoker's right to smoke, and I have great respect for those that are kind enough not to light up near me or kids or the elderly or people with breathing problems. I guess most are that way which is why I don't see very many smokers at Waterloo. :) Thanks