Canadaistan, under attack?


molṑn labé
Staff member
I thought everybody loved the Canucks?

TORONTO - Canadian authorities said Saturday they had foiled plans for terrorist attacks in southern Ontario with the arrests of 17 people who were "inspired by al-Qaida."

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police said they had arrested 12 male adults and five youths on terrorism-related charges, including plotting attacks with explosives on Canadian targets. The suspects were either citizens or residents of Canada and had trained together, they said.

Oh yea, these are terrorists-they hate everybody, even those who don't want to offend.

Canadian authorities said Saturday they had foiled plans for terrorist attacks in southern Ontario with the arrests of 17 people
long complained that the country's immigration laws and border security are too weak to weed out potential terrorists
I wonder if they were after Canadian targets or if they were going to try their luck and slide south to whip up on 'merica again.

Not to seem insensitive or eeg-no-rant of our northen neighbor... but could you whip up a top 10 list of potential targets for bombing within thy borders?
unclehobart said:
I wonder if they were after Canadian targets or if they were going to try their luck and slide south to whip up on 'merica again.

Not to seem insensitive or eeg-no-rant of our northen neighbor... but could you whip up a top 10 list of potential targets for bombing within thy borders?
If I was a terrorist? Or what terrorists would do?

If I was a terrorist, I'd go for near and dear to hearts and souls etc, as I think it would create way more "terror" than random buildings with people we don't know, and make the whole thing felt for way longer by many more citizens on a more personal note. I think they've missed the mark with the WTC, random train stations, car bombings, etc.

CN Tower
Calgary Stampede grounds (full or empty) or the Toronto CNE/Ontario Place grounds.
Toronto Subway system (very close to a necessity for habitation in Toronto)
Blow off the tops of the Rockies
Anne of Green Gable's house
Skydome (empty or full)
Old Montreal/Old Quebec City
Tainted beer
Parliament buildings (empty) in Toronto or Ottawa
Any random Canadian NHL hockey arena (empty or full)
Niagara Falls
Olde Universities

The way the terrorists think - i.e. stuff that can be fixed relatively easily that noone really gives much of a shit about:
We have nuclear power plants near here in Ontario, dunno about elsewhere. Financial district in Toronto. Our oil fields. Water systems.
Niagara Falls Hydroelectric Station. Politicians. Apparently the CSIS building is a good one.

I'm drawing a blank otherwise.

*makes note to self to leave front door unlocked so RCMP doesn't battering ram it in after reading this*
let's face it we are bad terrorist targets, poison our water, been there done that, bomb a power plant, so we have a blackout, it's a weekly occurence in winter.
Bomb the heart of out financial world, Toronto WE'D be dancing in the streets. And they would work out of their basements.

Now go after somthing serious, Like the Edmonton Oilers....then you won't see friendly Canadians anymore, then you get 1970's hockey Canadians.

Play dirty to win.
unclehobart said:
I wonder if they were after Canadian targets or if they were going to try their luck and slide south to whip up on 'merica again.

Not to seem insensitive or eeg-no-rant of our northen neighbor... but could you whip up a top 10 list of potential targets for bombing within thy borders?

They were after what they could not control, a slap to Canada could give them leverage to America...
A lot would depend on their goal. Strike to damage the economy, or strike for publicity.

Publicity would obviously be the CN tower, but it would take a helluva lot more than that to bring it down.

Effect? The Niagra power stations. If you could get a couple of decent bombs into the water tunnels and blow them, you'd cripple power production through out the region. TO would shrivel up. Hit both sides, and who knows. I think Detroit is powered from Niagra. Not to mention that the imbalance inthe grid would shut down half the eastern seaboard .... again.

And unlike transformers and substations, you couldn't just rebuild those tunnels. The collapse and surrounding damage to the rock strata would preclude using the same area. That would mean years to reconstruct.
According to a report Saturday in The Toronto Star citing unidentified police sources, the suspects attended a terrorist training camp north of Toronto and had plotted to attack the Canadian spy agency's downtown Toronto office, among other targets in Ontario province. Authorities refused to confirm those reports.
Hooray for the RCMP!

Some interesting details can be found here:

The chain of events began two years ago, sparked by local teenagers roving through Internet sites, reading and espousing anti-Western sentiments and vowing to attack at home, in the name of oppressed Muslims here and abroad.

Their words were sometimes encrypted, the Internet sites where they communicated allegedly restricted by passwords, but Canadian spies back in 2004 were reading them. And as the youths' words turned into actions, they began watching them.

According to sources close to the investigation, the suspects are teenagers and men in their 20s who had a relatively typical Canadian upbringing, but — allegedly spurred on by images of conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan and angered by what they saw as the mistreatment of Muslims at home — became increasingly violent.

Sources say the arrests involve a "homegrown" terrorism cell — Western youths who have never set foot in Afghanistan but allegedly were radicalized here, and who are thought to be potentially as dangerous as the cells that once took orders from Osama bin Laden. Western governments, including Canada's, have repeatedly warned of this phenomenon and blamed recent attacks, such as last July's bombings in London, as the work of such groups.

:canada: Good catch! :canada:
2minkey said:
i would hope that if anything got blown up, it would be the argos.
lol no shock value there :lloyd:

Lets see how many 'related' cells they turn up, once this particular rock gets rolled over...that I'd like to see. :D

3 Tons of Ammonium put it into perspective for y'all.

ABOVE: OK City bombing.... 1 ton of Ammonium Nitrate.
BTW, a big congrats to the major Canadian muslim groups for loudly and publicly condemning these twits.

Apparently, your muslim leaders are a hell of a lot smarter and reasonable than ours.
We'll see how long that lasts....seems that a few Mosques in the Toronto area for themselves vandalized.

Way to pour gasoline onto a fire, eh :finger: :rolleyes: