Cemeteries - such a waste of land

Thulsa Doom said:
Yeah but 80% of every square km in Canada is too frozen to bury people in. :D

Hey! more like 79% ;)

What do you think the future has in mind for Cemeteries?

How about large vertical buildings, like office buildings and such of today used as cemeteries. How about each family or single person could buy a small room, wouldn't have to be big at all. In each of these rooms you would have the coffin, maybe in an airtight box or such, or frozen? In the room you could have some of the special belongings of the person that the family would like to stay with them.

Maybe someday, it would be an effective use of space because you should be able to fit thousands of people per building.

/me shrugs

BeardofPants said:
After eating all those humans? :eyebrow: Doubtful - think of the methane production! ;)


We get rid of
The weak, the handicapped, the dying, the contagious, and the dead...

(add stupid to that... )

and you'll have done away with half or even a third or more of the population.
Might even include a few world leaders in that equation...

less greed, less economic imperative, more space, Less waste, less pollution, cleaner air, more sense, less debating and spin... more doing - kyoto protocol in control..voila. ;)
K62 said:
Hey! more like 79% ;)

What do you think the future has in mind for Cemeteries?

How about large vertical buildings, like office buildings and such of today used as cemeteries. How about each family or single person could buy a small room, wouldn't have to be big at all. In each of these rooms you would have the coffin, maybe in an airtight box or such, or frozen? In the room you could have some of the special belongings of the person that the family would like to stay with them.

Maybe someday, it would be an effective use of space because you should be able to fit thousands of people per building.

/me shrugs


That was my idea... ;) just I thought it would be better to cremate the bodies first...and have plaques in place where the ashes are kept. Now thats effective use of space. Could even get quite creative...with artwork, etc dedicated to be placed in each allocated square of "wall-space" in front of where the ashes are placed in order to do what they like with in memory of the person that died. It would still be a place to visit like the traditional "gravestone". But more economical. It would be like a huge building devoted to memories. It would also be interesting to visit.
Don't such above-ground tombs already exist, and aren't they called mausoleums?

Oh, and Jewish custom does not allow for cremation. What about that? :shrug:
tank grrl said:
We get rid of The weak, the handicapped, the dying, the contagious,

That sound like something I'd say & you'd get all bent out of shape. See, we having a positive impact already.
Wow! Coming from an immature 19 year old, that sounds really, really... immature.

But thank you for the explanation.

Incidentally, what exactly are we defining as "handicapped"? Cos, y'know, I have this hearing loss thingamy, and I don't have any great plans for being eaten by a polar bear. :eyebrow: :lloyd:
I do see where the problem arises in countries such as India, with 1,073,000,000 odd people living on a country that has an area of only 3,287,590 sq. km.

Well they can always do what the Japs do, bury their dead standing up. Kinda defies the whole "being laid to rest" part though.
BeardofPants said:
Incidentally, what exactly are we defining as "handicapped"? Cos, y'know, I have this hearing loss thingamy, and I don't have any great plans for being eaten by a polar bear. :eyebrow: :lloyd:

Okay...How about placing you where the polar bears can't go...and being eaten by a walrus? :lloyd:

As for cemeteries being a waste of land, there are cemeteries that only allow 'unprocessed' bodies, which allows for decomposition, and forest growth. No stone gardens, and no un-ending fields of green 'bermuda' grass mowed down to 1/4 inch...No underground vaults, and no metal caskets...Everything natural.