Chivalry, does it even still exist?

Here you go.

It's kind of like karma, everyone has their own definition. This links to the actual one. :D

Edit: Sorry about the effing pop-ups.
unclehobart said:
..and duels to the death over the most minor of affronts. Women are mere property and given as much say in affairs as the family dog. They are forbidden meaningful education and expected to remain locked away like precious glassware in a cabinet and expected to be baby factories. Seen ...not heard. Living china dolls without voice or standing.

i thought chivalry respected women??? the time period certainly didnt but isnt it about honour and respect for everyone?
lol @ ris :D funny as hell....:D even though i of course would never do such thing :p

and Q.....;) should ask jerrek about this. being serious here btw, so no lame comments this time. he's values honor and all that stuff a great deal....more than anyone i ever met as far as i can remember....
he might have something useful to say about it...not me. i don't give a shit about honor. honor is usually a result of what is and what is not socially accepted....and that i don't like.
i respect other traditions though, i'm not some lame bastard disrepecting other cultures, on the contrary.
Shadowfax said: should ask jerrek about this. being serious here btw, so no lame comments this time. he's values honor and all that stuff a great deal....more than anyone i ever met as far as i can remember....

theres no question he does hes said it before and whatnot. hell its something i respect in him more than others.
Well, you all have some interesting ideas on what chivalry is, or maybe what it means to you. Its good to see that people even consider it, therefore it isnt dead. I think everyone has lost sight of what it truly is, and has therefore lost sight of what true respect is.

Chivalry, has everything to do with your actions, but also with your beliefs. I dont consider myself to be a knight, nor would I fight to the death for anyone. I do however, believe that women should be treated with the utmost respect, and try to help them or better their lives in any way that I am capable of, even if it means discomfort or pain for me in any way. Chivalry, is all about priorities, putting those of your loved one before yourself. Someone who is chivalrous, is not selfish, and has no selfish beliefs.

No one can be true to the code, times have changed, but you can apply it to your everyday life. Try it sometime, think beyond yourself, and see how you can help others. You might even enjoy it...