Choosing the sex of unborn......


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Many Women In Fertility Treatment Would Pick Child's Sex
Prospective Mothers Would Choose Boys, Girls About Equally

A new survey says that 41 percent of women being treated for infertility would choose the sex of their next child if given the option for free.

The survey, done by a professor at the University of Illinois Chicago, also found that the hopeful mothers would choose boys and girls about equally.

"Sex selection is a topic that's almost taboo for physicians to talk about. Yet it's important to understand patient interest in nonmedical sex selection and adequately address the ethical and social implications before the cat is out of the bag," said Dr. Tarun Jain, an assistant professor of reproductive endocrinology and infertility who led the study.

Half of the women who wanted sex selection at no cost would still choose the procedure if they had to bear the cost.

The researchers also determined that women with only daughters wanted to select a male child, and women with only sons wanted to select a female child.

Non-white racial groups had a stronger preference for sex selection, according to the study.

A news release from the university said that two techniques to select the sex of children are currently available in the United States, but the procedures are usually reserved for the prevention of sex-linked genetic disorders.

What would you say???
Given the choice -- for free -- would you select the sex of your baby?
A. Yes, I would to satisfy a preference.
B. I might, but only to avoid the risk of disease.
C. No, it's best left to happen naturally.

I say C. Leave nature take it's course......
If not, you'd have them wanting to change their sex as they older MAYBE...saying, I feel like a man/woman inside but i'm not on the outside...Right????
I'm with Sam. My son has three daughters (plus two adopted) and I know for certain that he'd pick a boy. Who could blame him.
I have 2 boyz......can't have anymore either (don't care for anymore)....But if I could...I would still let nature takes its course!
Whatever happens, happens. If you want a womb with a view, go to a highrise.
I prefer natural selection. Hell, I didn't even want to know the gender of the child before he was born.

I am not above using 'old wives tales' methods to help nature along though. I've got a son...I'd love to have a daughter as well. I know that MrsBish agrees with me there.

Mare - they're not talking about tweaking an existing and fertilized embryo to change the sex to the one wanted...they're talking about filtering the spermatazoa to allow only 'male' or 'female' sperm through to the ova.

Similar to 'old wives tales' method, but more effective. F'r instance...there are more little-boy sperm than little-girl sperm per shot, but the little-girl sperm are heartier. If you make the euterus more hostile, you kill off more of the little-boy sperm and give better odds towards getting a little girl out of your efforts...thus, eating acidic foods (lemons, oranges etc.) is supposed to help you get a girl. If you make the euterus a kinder-gentler kill off less sperm and the odds swing towards the little-boy sperm because of their numbers. :shrug:

This method would use invitro fertilization using filtered sperm (majority male or majority female) to 'ensure' the gender.

The biggest downside for this method... because you're removing the hazards to the sperm, you're removing the guarantee that the fastest/strongest individual sperm is the one who gets to the ova. The fastest/strongest sperm usually holds the best reproduction of the donor's DNA, and makes for the healthier baby.

It's a tough moral quagmire.
Mare said:
I say C. Leave nature take it's course......

If that were the case, you wouldn't have a treatment for infertility :p

Wait a second...does the technique to pick the child's sex actually modify the sex of the embryo thus potentially causing gender confusion as Mare stated or is it a process of eliminating one chromosone within the sperm as Bish stated?
Bish said:
I am not above using 'old wives tales' methods to help nature along though. I've got a son...I'd love to have a daughter as well.
So...enquiring minds gotta know. How'd ya do it? :eyemouth:
Nixy said:
Wait a second...does the technique to pick the child's sex actually modify the sex of the embryo thus potentially causing gender confusion as Mare stated or is it a process of eliminating one chromosone within the sperm as Bish stated?
It is, from what i've read in the past no time to google now :p ) like Bish says. They can sort out the diff sperms by adding color I think. Or something.
Starya said:
It is, from what i've read in the past no time to google now :p ) like Bish says. They can sort out the diff sperms by adding color I think. Or something.

Pink for girls and blue for boys? ;)

I don't want to pick the sex of any children I ever have. If I have boys cool, if girls cool. As long as the critters are healthy it's all good.
When was pregnant with my third, whenever I'd go out with my two boy-toddlers, I'd have women come up to me laughing and tell me that they or their cousin's aunt's sister's friend had two boys and wanted a girl and ended up with a boy. That was mean.
I don't understand why people feel the need to do thing like that. It's like they are trying to say "I failed at producing a girl and therefore you will too". It bugs me, opinionated as I am I don't think I'd ever bring myself to going up to a woman I don't know and tell her something like that.

I hate how some people are always trying to involve themselves in other people's lives. Just piss off already (and yeah, I do tell strangers to piss off when they go beyond that line that I feel is socially acceptable behaviour between strangers).
Starya said:
It is, from what i've read in the past no time to google now :p ) like Bish says. They can sort out the diff sperms by adding color I think. Or something.
OK in that case I'll allow it for extra special circumstances...I would never do it and I don't think we should allow it just for the hell of it or we risk ending up with skewed ratios of male to female (even though right now they say people pick about even...might not stay that way...for instance I bet in China everyone would pick boys...)
tonksy said:
Then in a generation there would not be any Chinese left, eh?

Yup...I guess if they're stupid enough to think they can survive with mostly boy babies...
Y'know, they're always trying to reinvent the wheel. Anyone can improve the odds of picking the child's sex. There's about a 25% sway completely dependant on wether or not the mother has an orgasm. If the woman has a heavy, convulsing orgasm, the child is much more likely to be a girl. No orgasm to speak of? Better odds of a boy. X chromosone sperm are better sprinters, but Y chromosone swimmers have more endurance. Also Y sperm are tougher when dealing with the acidic environment of the vagina. The orgasm not only floods the vagina with a less acidic fluid, the orgasm causes the cirvix to flex, sucking up sperm and shortening the swim by as much as 10%.
Professur said:
Y'know, they're always trying to reinvent the wheel. Anyone can improve the odds of picking the child's sex. There's about a 25% sway completely dependant on wether or not the mother has an orgasm. If the woman has a heavy, convulsing orgasm, the child is much more likely to be a girl. No orgasm to speak of? Better odds of a boy. X chromosone sperm are better sprinters, but Y chromosone swimmers have more endurance. Also Y sperm are tougher when dealing with the acidic environment of the vagina. The orgasm not only floods the vagina with a less acidic fluid, the orgasm causes the cirvix to flex, sucking up sperm and shortening the swim by as much as 10%.

Ah so my mother probably orgasmed when I was conceived but not my brother *shudders*

What's your excuse for making a girl and then TWO boys?? Is the missus slightly disappointed in your drop in performace? :p