Christmas Mall-Muzic drving you nuts yet?


Well-Known Member
OK...I can stand the early decorators. You know those that put up their cristmas lights right while taking down their Halloween decorations. It looks nice, it's not freezing cold outside yet etc...whatever floats your boat.

I can take the occasional Santa Claus at the local mall, the Santa Claus parade in the first week of November and all that jazz.... BUT

If I have to take another month of this cheesy Chhristmas Mall-Muzak on the overhead speakers in every damn mall and mall parking-lot coming out of rusty speakers I'll snap like a dry twig of missletoe before the 24th!

Anyone else feel like removing mall-speakers until 2 weeks before the 25th?
Haven't stepped into a mall since I was in Edmonton last summer. *knock on wood* I don't like playing Mongolian grab ass with Ma and Pa Kettle over supposed sale items and being 20th in line at the register. Thats just not my cup of tea.
i'd just like to get past thanksgiving before the christmas stuff starts showing up. after that, they can go nuts with whatever they want. if i'm in a mall 3 times between now and new years, it'll be 2 times too many.
i havent been to the malls around here as this area is not a safe area and im not a mall person really. but im sure it will drive me nuts if its louder than the crowds are
What's a mall? I avoid them like the plague, no, wait, I avoid them more than the plague. They're worse.
i hate the mall...evil...that being said, i adore christmas. the lights, sounds, smells and sights. i put out my decorations the day after thanksgiving. sometimes i'll simmer apple juice and cinnamon sticks just for the hell of make it smell like christmas. i miss the smell of pine...haven't had a actual tree in years due to work schedule, then cats, then kids....but i have a ton of decorations that i've amassed over the years or made myself...this season i am most proud of a wreath i made for the front door, made from $2.98 of goodwill items. looks great. i wish i had a fireplace to hang garland and stockings from...that would be great. one day (after i conquer the universe...or my corner of it) i will have a log cabin somewhere that can admit the biggest honking christmas tree you ever saw and the whole place will be completely transformed the day after thanksgiving into the perfect winter wonderland...and hopefully maybe i'll actually have a white christmas one day :)
Gonz said:
What's a mall? I avoid them like the plague, no, wait, I avoid them more than the plague. They're worse.

:grinyes: Me too! But then I'd rather have root canal than go shopping (unless it's for wine or spirits).

Here's your solution, Bish: stay away from all malls and you won't be subjected to their Muzak. :D
tonks said:
i hate the mall...evil...that being said, i adore christmas. the lights, sounds, smells and sights. i put out my decorations the day after thanksgiving. sometimes i'll simmer apple juice and cinnamon sticks just for the hell of make it smell like christmas. i miss the smell of pine...haven't had a actual tree in years due to work schedule, then cats, then kids....but i have a ton of decorations that i've amassed over the years or made myself...this season i am most proud of a wreath i made for the front door, made from $2.98 of goodwill items. looks great. i wish i had a fireplace to hang garland and stockings from...that would be great. one day (after i conquer the universe...or my corner of it) i will have a log cabin somewhere that can admit the biggest honking christmas tree you ever saw and the whole place will be completely transformed the day after thanksgiving into the perfect winter wonderland...and hopefully maybe i'll actually have a white christmas one day :)

Tonks I am coming to your house for Christmas
MrBishop said:
Anyone else feel like removing mall-speakers until 2 weeks before the 25th?

Couldn't we just remove them and not put them back? Of course, then people would bitch because they weren't told about the blue light special in isle 5 next to the baby wipes.
Ms Ann Thrope said:
:grinyes: Me too! But then I'd rather have root canal than go shopping (unless it's for wine or spirits).

Here's your solution, Bish: stay away from all malls and you won't be subjected to their Muzak. :D

if you can call it muzak
Ms Ann Thrope said:
:grinyes: Me too! But then I'd rather have root canal than go shopping (unless it's for wine or spirits).

Here's your solution, Bish: stay away from all malls and you won't be subjected to their Muzak. :D

SOunds easy, eh...just avoid malls. Not so easy when every store in the area is part or either a full-scale mall or a strip-mall. Precious few independant stores. They're all cheek-to-jowl trying to keep warm.

I tend to avoid malls as much as possible, but I have god-children to shop for and family, and friends...some of which are damn near impossible to get anything for.

Perhaps I can buy myself some earmuffs...or in a fit of temporary insanity, plug up my ears with belly-button fluff. afternoon work's piping that music into the elevators and into the courtyard where I go for my smoke.


There's nothing worst than having Jingle Bells stuck in your head for half the damn day.

Jingle This!!!
What a coincidence, i saw some guy putting a HUGE christmas tree in his yard on my way home. It must have been at least 50'. Sheesh.
'course i even have a christmas music playlist...but you know what drives me crazy? that damn barking dogs jingle bells! horrid, wretched parody!
MrBishop said:
SOunds easy, eh...just avoid malls. Not so easy when every store in the area is part or either a full-scale mall or a strip-mall. Precious few independant stores. They're all cheek-to-jowl trying to keep warm.
I can't believe there aren't any independently owned, free-standing shops near where you live or work. :nono: Although I suspect that they're just as guilty of playing Holiday Muzak.

That said, what about shopping online?
Da Bish said:
Not so easy when every store in the area is part or either a full-scale mall or a strip-mall. Precious few independant stores.

Damned sad thing too.
Squiggy said:

~You better not shout...
You better not cry...
You better not pout...
Im tellin' you why..
Santa Clause is dead...

aww shit there goes that bag of cole i look forward to getting each year