chug it, barak

then you aren't listening
just two things that Mitt said should be enough for you to understand the major difference
One: American Energy independence.
Two: stop Iran from selling its oil.
You two remember the Arab Oil Embargo
In the event of conflict in the middle east we and our allies must have the ability
to supply ourselves while we win the war against the Muslim Fascists.
WWIII is going to be so exciting and it will be televised.

Winky, I know the difference. Does Mitt? He sounded like Mr Rogers last night.

As for the Arab Oil Embargo...remember $1.01 gasoline & $0.34 Diesel?
ha ha hah true those prices seemed SO outrageous!
At the time we all said: once it goes over a dollar it will never come back
we never in our worst nightmares dreamed of four bucks a gallon.

Buddy I don't know what you were watching He promised the
ChiComs he'd kick them in the balls and threatened the Iranians
with a total embargo and boots on the ground. I swear they have
already 'read him in' hell I bet they've already shown him the
Aliens at area 51.

Yup Osambo's all done, he's served his Manchurian Candidate's purpose.

Now Mitt's gonna get this New World Order shit in order!
The Battle of Mogadishu, Benghazi, was quite a suprise. Instead of Blackhawk Down & our troops stealing
UN vehicles to circumvent orders, Navy SEALs just walked over & saved embassy personel, disregarding orders.

EMBASSY DOWN coming soon to theaters near you
what are you on about?

remember fast and furious that's right no one else does either

after the election Benghazi will be forgotten
the headlines will be all about Mitt throwing Granny off the cliff

no wait it's already started

hey let's not forget about the brilliant strategy in iraq that cost us over 4000 soldiers. and gee, that sure stayed on budget. er, no, there was no budget.

"gee, we never expected an insurgency..."

He took care of business. Clinton & Obama said "what, me worry? Sit down & shut up"
Removing Saddam Hussein was a mistake.
The Arab spring was a good thing.
al Qaeda died with Obama er I mean Osama.