Cindy McCain's $300,000 Outfit


New Member
Damn Elitists :laugh:

One of the persistent memes in the Republican line of attack against Barack Obama is the notion that he is an elitist, whereas the G.O.P. represent real working Americans like Levi “F-in’ Redneck” Johnston.

It caught our attention, then, when First Lady Laura Bush and would-be First Lady Cindy McCain took the stage Tuesday night wearing some rather fancy designer clothes. So we asked our fashion department to price out their outfits.

Laura Bush
Oscar de la Renta suit: $2,500
Stuart Weitzman heels: $325
Pearl stud earrings: $600–$1,500
Total: Between $3,425 and $4,325

Cindy McCain
Oscar de la Renta dress: $3,000
Chanel J12 White Ceramic Watch: $4,500
Three-carat diamond earrings: $280,000
Four-strand pearl necklace: $11,000–$25,000
Shoes, designer unknown: $600
Total: Between $299,100 and $313,100

Wow! No wonder McCain has so many houses: his wife has the price of a Scottsdale split-level hanging from her ears.

(All prices except Laura’s shoes and Cindy’s watch are estimates, and the jewelry prices are based on the assumption that the pieces are real.)
Who gives a fock what these people spend on their clothes? Only other rich fashion-conscious 'tards, and very poor simple-minded hoople-heads care about those things.
Us regular folks want to know- whatcha gonna do about our prollems- the ecomony n' stuff, huh?
Us regular folks want to know- whatcha gonna do about our prollems- the ecomony n' stuff, huh?

I'm with you there.

But with the republicans always throwing aroud the word Elitist this stuff needs to be pointed out. Remember the big fuss over Edward's $400 haircut?
I don't remember that, and can't imagine anyone paying more than ten bucks for a haircut. Anyone who would pay 4 C-notes for a trim deserves the ridicule, regardless of party affiliation. Republicans calling "elitist" on Democrats is the same old Pot calling the Kettle "black"- just goddamn tiresome after all these years. They are all a bunch of crooks. Let us abolish political parties, primaries and conventions- have each candidate run for whatever office as an individual - to stand or fall on their own platform; each accountable only for themselves. Yeah- I'm dreaming again!
What happens when we have half the independent Congress standing on one side of the aisle & half the independent Congress standing on the other side because they are opposed to the others ideas? The only thing that'll change is there'll be no (R) or (D) before their names.
I'd like to think that if we got rid of the "Democrat and/or Republican" ; "left, right, and /or weirdo" labels, THREW out the scumsucking lobbyists, and elected real people to represent us, and gave them the freedom to stand on their own principles and create their own platforms, then we might have a better form of representative government than we do now.
But, I admit- I'm just dreaming.
Ideology is not a bad thing. It makes things happen (or not)

I'd elect Goldwater in a heartbeat. Imagine where we'd be if he'd have won.
It's a shame-
and a shame how good people like Sam Nunn got the shaft- General Powell, too.
Our best and brightest won't be allowed near the Highest Offices, if they have any integrity.
See, when you say "$300,000 outfit," I think you mean $300,000 worth of clothes. I tend to not count jewelry as part of the "outfit." If jewelry counts toward the outfit, then she could be wearing Fruit of the Loom sweats from Wal-Mart and it would still be a multi-thousand-dollar outfit because of her wedding ring.
It's hard to spot him, with so many knives protruding from so many backs. He is an honorable man.
I just summed myself up and I am wearing a total of $147.99....of course, it'll go up anothr $20 when I don my shoes and I have no idea what my name tag costs.

I did not take into account my braces.

I would like this noted, for the record, the next I am accused of spending too much on clothing.
(All prices except Laura’s shoes and Cindy’s watch are estimates, and the jewelry prices are based on the assumption that the pieces are real.)

They're good enough to weigh diamonds and classify them from photos at a distance? I think not. The fact that this topic was made, let alone replied to, shows just how screwed up you folks are.
She is rich, on her own, she can afford it, it is not like she took it from some starving childs mouth.

And the jewlery COULD have been lent (like at award shows)

and I will pay more than $10 for a haircut, but I am accused of being "metro" but I would never pay more than $35.

I am wearing $15 worth of clothes $55 if you count shoes (good timberland hiking/running shoes)
I paid $40 once, but didn't have a damn choice. Sister's wedding, 5 1/2 hours drive from my barber and not enough spare time to go barber hunting. :shrug:

I'm wearing the latest in Walmart polos and Mark's Work Warehouse no-press/stain-resistant slacks, along with knock-off street Docker wanna-be's. $35 for clothes, $20 for shoes. $45 Armitron watch and an old silver ring.
What happens when we have half the independent Congress standing on one side of the aisle & half the independent Congress standing on the other side because they are opposed to the others ideas? The only thing that'll change is there'll be no (R) or (D) before their names.

The only thing. :thumbup: