

Well-Known Member
Ladies, how big is yours?

is it easy to find? Does it like to play hide a seek? Is it hypersensitive, or can it take some manhandling?

Does your SO treat it right? Can he/she find it?

Does it get hit during sex? Do you like/need to play with it during sex?
jesus christ! - Leslie

yes? -Jesus

can you bitchslap this Winky dude? - Leslie

I'll put it on the list.

Lets see...
protect the poor...
sanctify the righteous...
bestow blessings upon the meek...
bitchslap Winky...
the ressurection.

That about covers it. -Jesus

Gosh golly gee, Jesus, that's wunnerful! Thaaanks! - Leslie
Nope still can't find it, how did you say it was spelt again?

Lopan said:
Nope still can't find it, how did you say it was spelt again?

05MapsMayHGras2-016.jpg least you're looking in the valleys and not the mountain tops. Good start! Now start looking for some scrub-brush and and deep crevace. ;)
Professur said:
Ladies, how big is yours?

is it easy to find? Does it like to play hide a seek? Is it hypersensitive, or can it take some manhandling?

Does your SO treat it right? Can he/she find it?

Does it get hit during sex? Do you like/need to play with it during sex?

So why the interest?