Cloning - yes or no?

Should cloning be legal?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 66.7%
  • No - It's immoral and/or unethical

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • No - Man is bad and it would be abused

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • No - It violates human rights in one way or another

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Gonz said:
That is the question that needs answering. Since it's not been propagated, is it?
Of course it would. If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, it's a damned duck. Recent discoveries in genetics and behavioral sciences show that genetics has very little to do with our personalities. As OLI says, it would be an identical twin to the donor, nothing more. I'll remind you that these same arguments were brought up over test tube children. The problems will arise because people will expect them to be copies of themselves. I'm much more worried about genetic enhancements than cloning.
Justintime said:
Shadowfax said:
eeew :D

and it's such a pity....chinese women can be so hot :(

Yea, and you can get thier number in a cinema and then just never call em again, genius :rolleyes:

yeah, great :D long distance calls to :D
and damn, i can't believe i told you that, LOL!
Aye, the body may be the same, but the mind and possibly spirit (if it exists) would be a totally different animal.
Shadowfax said:
Justintime said:
Shadowfax said:
eeew :D

and it's such a pity....chinese women can be so hot :(

Yea, and you can get thier number in a cinema and then just never call em again, genius :rolleyes:

yeah, great :D long distance calls to :D
and damn, i can't believe i told you that, LOL!

You had two days... you WASTED two perfectly good days!!!
Squiggy said:
I would think that to be the biggest advantage to the technology.
Remember Hitler and the "Master Race?" Well, suppose you could really make one. Science fiction? So was walking on the moon half a century ago.
freako104 said:
i dont see a problem with it other than playing god
That one doesn't bother me. :D
OK...I'm not referring to a "Boys From Brazil" scenerio. I mean genetic corrections on defective genes. The chance to do away with certain birth defects/anomolys
Squiggy said:
I mean genetic corrections on defective genes.
Sorry, I misunderstood. Absolutely. Why does anyone ever argue with things that will improve the quality of life?
....if it walks like a duck, then it is a duck....

Laws doesn't work that way, they aren't written for common sense, they should be clear and leave no room for misinterpretation, as long as it isn't specifically forbidden, then it is allowed.
I don't have a problem with cloning in general, but i too can see where it could cause some real moral issues. Should we clone only the best or brightest? Should we allow the cloning of dumbasses, even if they have the means to do it?
PuterTutor said:
Should we allow the cloning of dumbasses, even if they have the means to do it?
It doesn't involve cloning, but have you ever read Ringworld? Specifically the part about the Birthright Lotteries.
My major problem with cloning is that each cell has a marker at the tail end of its DNA that akin to the rings of a tree in negative fashion. Each time the cell divides, it sheds a single piece at the end. This is a finite marker that gives each cell a maximum age. A cloned person would essentially have the same genetic age as the host and would age rapidly according to it. You would be running into bad skin, baldness, and arthritis by the late teen years. Brittle bones and memory problems by 35 are almost guaranteed. If they can't find a way to arrest or regenerate this anomoly... I say no way to cloning.
PT said:
Not familiar, can you tell the premise in 100 words or less?

In the future, to control population, everyone is allowed to have two kids (except genetic defectives). Well, this doesn't keep the population static (some people can't have kids, some choose not to...) so they give extra birthrights to the "best and brightest" and various other proven survival traits including having made enough money to buy one. In other words, whether you think they're a dumbass (and they might very well be) they have managed to come up with the price of admission. Same deal here, if they have the money, let 'em do it.

If you like science fiction, allow me to highly recommend Ringworld. It's by Larry Niven, and it is the best science fiction novel I have ever read (and I've read hundreds, maybe thousands).
that's the reason Dolly died, but when they make human cloning public, i think that issue will be solved.

Problem is what they do without telling us.
unclehobart said:
each cell has a marker at the tail end of its DNA that akin to the rings of a tree in negative fashion.
I'm familiar with the theory, do you have data?