C'mon President Obama


molṑn labé
Staff member
GW abolished the Posse Comitatus Act. Can't you send the 101st to Tucson or something?

“...employ the armed forces, including the National Guard in Federal service, to...

1.restore public order and enforce the laws of the United States when, as a result of a natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition in any State or possession of the United States..., where the President determines that,...domestic violence has occurred to such an extent that the constituted authorities of the State or possession are incapable of maintaining public order;
2.suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy...” [3]
HR 5122

It's time
The USMIL has always had the right to defend the border and against foreign invaders.

obama would never, ever consider it. It should be a 2012 issue.
The USMIL has always had the right to defend the border and against foreign invaders.

obama would never, ever consider it. It should be a 2012 issue.

You want a state of emergency declared for Arizona? Perhaps adding more cops and border guards to the area would be more appropos than a full-on state of emergency.
Law enforcement isn't for the defense of US sovereignty, foreign invaders can be repelled by by the US military. Going back at least a decade the Mexican govt has been a force behind the illegal immigration invasion.

We don't need a state of emergency, we don't need permission from the the UN. We need the will of the American people to be enforced under the power and authority of the COTUS.

Law enforcement isn't for the defense of US sovereignty, foreign invaders can be repelled by by the US military. Going back at least a decade the Mexican govt has been a force behind the illegal immigration invasion.

We don't need a state of emergency, we don't need permission from the the UN. We need the will of the American people to be enforced under the power and authority of the COTUS.


Gonzo posted about under what conditions the military can be used to declare a state of emergency and suspend posse comitatus.

This isn't an invasion, it's a leaky border with serious troubles on one side forcing people across to the other side for numerous reasons. Kinda like a war in Somalia driving refugees into Kenya.

Yes, like most refugee situations, you have the good with the bad. Most Mexicans coming across the border are seeking shelter and work. Since the border is leaky and Americans have such a high demand for drugs, the drug-lords in Mexico use the same holes to drive drugs in and money and guns back.

The Mexican GVT has its hands full with the drug lords and internal corruption. It isn't 'behind' the refugees. It no longer controls northern Mexico which is where the borders are.

Said it before - you want to stop the so-called invasion? Use the military to help the Mexican GVT get control of it's northern borders by attacking the drug-lords directly. Bomb a few mansions, napalm grow opps, mass-arrests.
Set up a refugee camp in the interim. Redirect illegal border crossers towards the camp. Triage incoming people for intent. Most would be happy enough to go back home as long as home was safe again.
Imam Osama needs them 20 million illegal alien votes

Well if that's what you wanna think the situation is here
while you sit up there in your Canadian socialist utopia
good for you.

But it’s a total load of bullshit.

Like Gonz said "The Mérida Initiative" - but with teeth.
Re: Imam Osama needs them 20 million illegal alien votes

Well if that's what you wanna think the situation is here
while you sit up there in your Canadian socialist utopia
good for you.

But it’s a total load of bullshit.

So... what's driving Mexicans across the border illegally if it isn't drug smuggling, employment or escaping the cartels?

C'mon...illuminate us. What are the primary reasons for the illigal immigration and how do you propose stopping each in turn?
Bish you are confusing American citizens with Mexico citizens and the whole "they belong here" thingy. "We the people of the United States"

Once cross illegally, you are invading. Try it in iran, korea, china, Japan, Au.
Re: Of course they come here for free shit!!!

Stop them from jumping the border and immediately start collecting welfare.
That includes medical care and admission to schools

Repeal the provisions in the 1965 civil rights act that began this flood of illegal immigration.

Strike down the 1982 Supreme Court decision by Justice Brennan
that created anchor babies.

Vigorously enforce the illegal immigration laws already on the books.

And add another, if you are deported and jump right back across
you go to prison not just pickup where you left off collecting welfare.

Oh and one other little fun thing. Commit a violent crime in the US?
it’s off to prison with your ass

and last but not least begin a soft deportation program with an ultimate goal of booting
all 20 million illegals with or without their legal off spring.

Not to worry though my hand wringing Liberal friend
none of this will come to pass. America will never protect itself from this
illegal invasion and like Rome one day fall conquered from within.

The real loser will actually be Canada, imagine what it will be like to have a
hostile nation on your southern border.
"Tolerance is a virtue of a man without convictions." -G.K.Chesterton

None of this will come to pass due to the planned North American Union.
Why indeed when we are welcomed to to just walk in and instill our American values and American culture in a complete takeover, and Canada will do nothing because of their tolerance and acceptance.


The sixty American States

Gonzo posted about under what conditions the military can be used to declare a state of emergency and suspend posse comitatus.

Gonz posted that there is no longer a valid Posse Comitatus law.

Invasion, whether by peasant or Lord is still an invasion.
Bish you are confusing American citizens with Mexico citizens and the whole "they belong here" thingy. "We the people of the United States"

Once cross illegally, you are invading. Try it in iran, korea, china, Japan, Au.

Invasion in respect to the law is defined as a military act. If you cross into Korea, China or Japan, you aren't considered to be invading that country, any more than Snow Birds heading to Miami are invading it.

If you cross illegally, you are entering without a valid visa, and can get arrested and expelled. In NK, arrested, questioned, accused of spying and killed.

Still doesn't answer my question tho' - what's driving Mexicans across the border illegally if it isn't drug smuggling, employment or escaping the cartels?

You're like a doc trying to cure the symptoms without addressing the disease or the causes - ineffective at best, dangerous at worst.
I don't think so bish.

Protecting US citizens from foreign invaders is good enough although there are plenty of weapons and dope coming across with criminals trespassing on our sovereign soil.

By your standard we can march 60 million people into Canada and simply take it over and instill American values on you. We'll just aim our deportations of unarmed mexican natl's to you starting next month. ;)