
IDLEchild said:
Thank you Winky...

Im officially not the OTC member with the least amount of tact.

I don't think you were before. Probably till in the top five though. :p
chcr said:
I don't think you were before. Probably till in the top five though. :p

You always knew how to melt my heart.

You know I feel I have improved greatly though. Remembering my BCD days and rereading my own handy work I feel though as I have made strides. Only members like ashr bring that demon out in me now.

For the greater part I feel more at calm I guess. I must admit, I was an horrendous poster..... :nerd:
Hey Winky, if you had a loved one who was almost 50 years old and took the day off of work because he was ill, went to the ER later complaining of left arm and chest pains and all they did was give him a shot of cortizone and sent him home with no other tests whatsoever (not even an EKG!) and he drops dead of a heart attack a few hours later, would you sue? My aunt did.

BTW, I heard while we were up there for Christmas that about 2/3 of that has been settled and she and her kids have gotten about $1.3 million so far. Still, it's not enough, he should still be here.
Do you not see the absolute fallacy in your thought process?
And we wonder why medical care is so expensive?
When I die after a lifetime of developing heart disease,
certainly ‘someone’ is to blame?

My Mom went to the doc and he said she had terminal cancer,
guess what she died! I shoulda sued ‘somebody’!

Well I’m glad the insurance company paid your relative.
I’ll remember that the next time I need medical care.

Now if we had free Canadian health care there'd be no cashing in huh?
SL you want me to get REAL obnoxious
and point out the real truth about the
situation you described????????

The truth right there for all to see?
Go ahead and sue me, I'm gonna try and save your life anyway.

I'd rather be sued for trying than be sued for NOT trying.
"sued for NOT trying"
inna way isn't that what happened to the hospital
in the above mentioned post?

Aw dammed iffin' ya do dammed iffin' ya don't!

So Sharks,
explain to me again why you as a non-medical person are Obligated to save everyone's life?

I'm not a trauma surgeon or a former combat medic so I don't know HOW to try too save everyone's life!
Winky said:
"sued for NOT trying"
inna way isn't that what happened to the hospital
in the above mentioned post?

Aw dammed iffin' ya do dammed iffin' ya don't!

So Sharks,
explain to me again why you as a non-medical person are Obligated to save everyone's life?

I'm not a trauma surgeon or a former combat medic so I don't know HOW to try too save everyone's life!

I am required to maintain current American Red Cross advanced first aid and CPR certification to keep my captain's license current.
Well there you go!!!
If I'm ever in need of the types of care that
a guy without a medkit can provide,
I sure as hell hope someone with your knowledge
happens by.
Oh and I won't sue you!
Sharky said:
Go ahead and sue me, I'm gonna try and save your life anyway.

I'd rather be sued for trying than be sued for NOT trying.
yuppers. and anyway they got the good samaritan law. and what kind of asshole sues the person trying to save your or your child/spouse/friend's life?
Usually the asshole kind. The kind of guy that knocks over little kids on his way to catch a fly ball. The kind of person that stands up in front of you all night in a concert and keeps splashing beer on you. The kind of dickwad that parks in handicap parking spaces. The same jerk-o that takes 30 items into the express lane at the grocery and pays by check. The kind of toe cheese that takes the morning paper from his neighbors lawn. The kind of turd who made fast food as a teenager and never once washed his hands. The very nutter who runs waitstaff ragged and doesn't tip. The very same person who bums cigarettes and small amounts of cash thier entire life and never thinks of paying back.
my thought exactly...the thought alone of letting somebody die because you might get sued....that's just plain retarded. moo.
I took First Aid/CPR in high school, and again in my early 20's. Both times, I was explicitly told to do exactly what greenfreak posted above, or risk a lawsuit or charges even.

In the actual boat, I'm sure I'd go with instinct and do what I had to do.
Leslie said:
go with instinct .

You're such an animal :nanabang:

Thanks Les your post merely reinforces my position!

*refer to the karma sutra for which position that is*
Shadowfax said:
my thought exactly...the thought alone of letting somebody die because you might get sued....that's just plain retarded. moo.

For some reason Americans seem to sue over everything...I guess their judicial system just makes it easier to do so then elsewhere...honestly...some of the warnings on some items are NUTS just to avoid being sued..."Caution contents are hot" on tim horton's I guess Canadians might be a bit sue crazy too but I hear more about Americans.