I am. I love boxes. I have three emtpy ones in my office right now. No, four - there's a little wooden one, too. Then there's another four or so that are being used. I have several boxes in my trunk of my car, too.
Big boxes. Little boxes. Cardboard boxes. Wooden boxes. ....
Decorated ones would be good. But I'm just talking boxes. I like to go downstairs when they get a delivery in the bar or kitchen so I can scope out any good boxes to have. I have some pretty ones, but most of them are general-use-already-been-used boxes.
i "make" alot of little boxes...moreover, i fix them up...they usually end up looking very....funky....but sometimes they are very nice....i'm outta "bones" at the moment but i'll keep my eyes open.
I collect regrets
I have a wealth of useless knowledge
I used to collect comic books but it got spendy
I used to collect cards too..same thing
I now collect euphamisms for body parts and blond jokes (I have close to 100 pages of blond jokes)
For a while, I was collecting antenna balls. That fell by the wayside. Then I got married, and started collecting past-due and collection agency notices.
I collect crap. I seem to have this syndrome, that makes me unable to throw away items or clothes that I don't need. I may move slowly towards the bin, but then there is that little voice: "What if you find use for it someday?", and I put it back.