Congress overturns incandescent bulb ban ... for now

nice link to the info on all those black inventors. gee whiz, look at their names. don't sound too bantu to me. sounds like they took on the affect of anglo_whiteguy civilization. you think they woulda thought up all that cool shit as horticulturalists in dahomey? UMMMMM NOPE...

BTW the plow was not "invented in africa." the first known uses of the plow are in ancient sumer and egypt IIRC.

you might think egypt is somehow related to all those black american folks in that article you reference. it's not. those folks are from the equatorial crotch of west africa. vastly different language and culture. besides, they were americans, anyway. 'tis american culture - you know the culture well-known for practical invention per de tocqueville et al - that produced them.

regardless a plow is something that ANYONE would think of during a period of agricultural intensification, assuming the availability cheap draft animals. yeah i said cheap. there have been many societies that simply chose not to intensify because, well, it makes life less fun. the fourteen dudes in namibia that still make a living as hunter-gatherers would rather pick berries than deal with domesticated oxen. not sure i blame them.

now of course i'm not trying to "pile on" with winky here, because he is far more wrong that you are in this instance. but yer shit ain't holding up to any kind of critical muster.

In case you didn't realize, EGYPT is part of Africa. ;)
what, you don't think you look as good in florescent lighting? no one does. get over it, drama queens

OK, enough negro vs caucasian, let's get back on subjet.

I see minx telling us that since they (whoever they are) know better, you will use an inferior product & you will like it. Wow...sounds kinda (fill 'er in minkeyboy)

I switched to all CFL's. Within the year, I pulled those pieces of shit & horded incandescents. Saving a few pennies could not overpower the loss of luminence & the ruination of my eyesight. CFL's are enviromentally dangerous, a health risk & not good for much save avoiding walking onto walls.

LED's look like a far better idea, but like iAnything, they are basically proprietary. Once they inprove the range & remove they spotlight effect (and lower the cost by about 90%) they'll be a hit.
In case you didn't realize, EGYPT is part of Africa. ;)

yes, and that makes me black considering my egyptian ancestry.

gonz: i am not saying the CFL things are "better."

what i said was...

" i don't give a shit about the formal obsolescence of technologies that are socially irrelevant and transposable."

it's nothing about folks telling you what to do. it doesn't matter what kind of bulbs you use. they both do the same goddamned thing for the end user. CFL bulbs do not care if you love jesus or worship baal with weird chants. neither do conventional bulbs. i'm sure you're having ruby ridge type fantasies about JBTs coming to seize your remaining bulbs. that's fine for play time, but when it comes down to it, a fucking lightbulb doesn't mean shit.

*psst.* if you're really upset about all of this, you can still buy candles. they have not been outlawed.
it's nothing about folks telling you what to do.

Sad thing is, I think he really believes that.

There will never come a day when the Osama regime knows what's best for America.

i for one think it is a right to ignore a red light and proceed as i wish. think i'll go shout "fire" at a great white show while i'm at it. no need for pants anymore. i'll be stopping by soon to liberate your valuables. suggest you have plenty of snacks around or else i might get cranky. you like vienna sausages?

If you don't find a significant difference in the luminence, then you aren't paying attention.

If you can't find a serious issue about your government interfering with commerce & taking away your choices...then you didn't understand your history class(es)
Oh he as well as my son understood the lessons
provided in the indoctrination camps that have
replaced higher learning.

Trust me Gonzo the regular folk will take this crap ad infinitum
we've all grown to fat lazy and complacent to do anything else.

I use CFL's even though the color temperature of the light is total crap.

If you don't find a significant difference in the luminence, then you aren't paying attention.

If you can't find a serious issue about your government interfering with commerce & taking away your choices...then you didn't understand your history class(es)

um, sorry you don't look good in florescent lighting.

and, again, if it's a choice that you really think matters... perhaps you should also lobby for pilots being able to choose to land on any road they like. and try shoving whatever metal object you like in your electrical outlets. in fact you should rage against the system due to the vast oppression of standard 120v outlets.

oh, right, of course laws reflect the interests of the dominant class/elites. good althusserian thinking there.
So, you'd prefer the government dictate your life instead of the market to drive upwards & onwards? I bet you think we need government healthare too.
needed or not
we've got it

there's no turning back now
embrace the future
drink the kool-aid




For decent lighting that is also cheaper to use, you can also get LED's, as Gonz said. Much brighter than both CFLs and incandescents. Just mount them in those ceiling pots and slap a diffuser under them.
I grew up with CFLs
I remember when they used to leak the brown stuff from the ballasts in grade school.
Most all the places I ever worked used them too.
So, I don't mind them much.

It does seem the new cork-screw bulbs have come a long way to make
some of um look like the 'soft-white' incandescents, and the start time on
them is pretty much instant now.
It does seem to vary some between brands though. I don't think they have
the 'standards worked out on them yet.

I also grew up with mercury thermometers, and lead paint.
I think smoking cigarettes messed me up worse than those though.

I really do like the money saving on the power bill.

I will be glad when they get the pricing right in the led/lcd type lights.

I do not like any 'choice' being forcibly taken away though.
So, you'd prefer the government dictate your life instead of the market to drive upwards & onwards? I bet you think we need government healthare too.

ummm yeah it's magic. just remove all forms of social organization and suddenly everyone becomes more productive and innovative. henry ford certainly knew that.

we could be as effective as hunter-gatherers! they accomplish a lot!

the government is not dictating my life. i don't give a fuck which light bulb i use for common, everyday lighting. it's an irrelevant change. and you're getting all bitchy about the mercury. oh noes, big bad mercury gonna come and take your freedom too! you sound like a tree hugger.

yep. althusserian tree hugger. what a pisser.

yes, i want government health care. of course i do. please review my innumerable posts where i say quite the opposite.
Every post you say, in some form, that government control is good & they are smarter than the rest of us. Of course, we're in debt to the tune of fifteen trillion dollars because of overeducated numbskulls from governemnt.

Go read some more Marx. It's working.
You want government health care
which will be bankrupt like the postal service?

yes we should all stop this silly assed whining,
Obamacare was the last thing needed to turn America
into a socialist mess and we should all embrace it
