Congress overturns incandescent bulb ban ... for now

You want government health care?

nope. here's my previously posted opinion.

i really wish they had 'reformed' the thing about insurance companies not being able to compete across state lines and then just left the rest of it alone.

gonz: read it. internalize it. and stop making ridiculous assertions about what i may or may not think. you assume i'm a commiemarxist because i think most of your opinions are short-sighted and infantile. that does not mean that i have any particular set of ideas, only that i think your take on things is less than fully developed.

Gawd Damn those tree huggin' hippies!

When was the last nuclear power plant built in the US?

According to the US Dept of Energy, the last reactor built was the
"River Bend" plant in Louisiana. Its construction began in March of 1977.
The last plant to begin commercial operation is the "Watts Bar" plant
in Tennessee, which came online in 1996.
yeah, well, whattya expect when we got a bunch of dumbass infants second-guessing the fucking obvious? gonz or greenpeace, they are the same. freak flags on some kinda gay mission.
What was that nuke plant that the governor ordered shut down years ago just as testing was being commenced? The thing was ready to come on line and he ordered the vessel destroyed so it can never be used again. Indian Point in New York comes to mind but that plant is in use. I believe that this happened in New York state.
that is dumb. nuke power needs to be allowed to flourish. for the greater good. and if it weren't for folks that whine about everything - gonz or greenpeace - it would be far more viable.
You could get your wish (and mine as well).


U.S. is Only 3 Years Behind China in Nuclear Reactors Courtesy of New Approval
Jason Mick (Blog) - December 23, 2011 7:09 PM

Construction on new designs should begin within weeks; ultra-safe Gen. III+ reactors could be live by 2016

When it comes to alternative energy, wind and solar power are nice ideas and certainly worthy of research, but they remain much more expensive than nuclear power. Nuclear power, however, has suffered mightily under the misconceptions of a poorly informed public that mistakenly believes that modern reactors designs are as failure and toxic waste prone as legacy designs.

Protests and lawsuits have blocked the construction and licensing of clean modern reactors, and then to add insult to injury critics tend to turn around and throw these cost overruns they created back at nuclear proponents, complaining that nuclear power is prone to "cost overruns".

I. NRC Approves First Gen. III+ Reactor Design

Well the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is doing its best to restore some sanity to the power market, making one of its biggest moves in recent years, unanimously approving [PDF] a new reactor design and setting in a new faster, streamlined approval process.

The new design is the AP1000 by Westinghouse Electric Comp. LLC (a licensee of Westinghouse Licensing Corp., which in turn is loosely a subsidiary of CBS Corp. (CBS)). The AP1000 is a 1,154 MW "advanced" third generation reactor design (often dubbed Gen. III+).

It originally won NRC approval back in 2006, but then in 2008 the NRC implemented a series of strict regulations [source] requiring that reactors be designed to sustain a direct strike from a commercial (i.e. large cargo or passenger) aircraft. The initial design, which included a concrete enclosed containment vessel, was deemed unsatisfactory as it could crack under the impact.

Westinghouse went back to the drawing board, adding a steel plate enclosure, which they argued would counteract the collision and keep the reactor safe.

hah no way any of you bought that crap
it clearly states we even after 30 years of not
building any new nukes are still the world leaders
in nuclear power production.

Just think where we could have been if the government
hadn't interfered in the free market?

Hell we might even be clamoring for electric cars because
most of our electricity is dirt cheap and generated by nukes
in a zero carbon emission (and zero mercury) manner?

Possibly the Thorium LFTR could be the answer?
france is 85% powered by nukes. i don't think we're quite there.

when yer gettin' beat by the frogs and chinks, ain't no good.

hah no way any of you bought that crap
it clearly states we even after 30 years of not
building any new nukes are still the world leaders
in nuclear power production.

Just think where we could have been if the government
hadn't interfered in the free market?

Hell we might even be clamoring for electric cars because
most of our electricity is dirt cheap and generated by nukes
in a zero carbon emission (and zero mercury) manner?

Possibly the Thorium LFTR could be the answer?
Re: Gawd Damn those tree huggin' hippies!

When was the last nuclear power plant built in the US?

According to the US Dept of Energy, the last reactor built was the
"River Bend" plant in Louisiana. Its construction began in March of 1977.
The last plant to begin commercial operation is the "Watts Bar" plant
in Tennessee, which came online in 1996.

you realize this post undermines your later one? sure, we may be getting a start now, but... and who knows what is actually going to happen once the chicken littles demand their day in court.

we have five times the population of france and likely notably higher energy usage per person unit.

~300:60 (mil) and 100:50 (reactors). you figure it out.
"U.S. is Only 3 Years Behind China in Nuclear Reactors"

fuc that the Chinkies lag behind us in everything
and will for the next 50 years.

True it will be a cold day in hell before we build another 104 reactors

Shit we can't even let a oil pipeline get approved without it becoming a political football :(
ummm dude chinese make a lot of our electronic shit. they are surging while we are sagging.

if you don't think those inscrutable basterds (hah) will latch on to anything, copy it, and perfect it...

look at what japan did after ww2. they took american ideas about quality, actually used 'em, and kicked the shit out of the US car industry for quite some time.
I've long since grown weary of this stupid:
"insert country here" is gonna eat our lunch

I think its great that the ChiComs are progressing beyond
the agrarian age. Who would begrudge them some progress?

First the Japs were our slaves and now the Chinese?

I say good, there's more than enough of them to keep us rich forever.

Even with all our faltering missteps we are still number one.

This doesn't speak so much to our greatness as it serves
to point out just how lame the rest of the world is.

hah we are number one even in the bad things!
you sound just like a roman in the last days of the republic.

the cultural elite is slurping udon noodles with chopsticks.

you figure it out.
Last on out turn off the CFL lights

Is that the prevailing business advice for the day?

This thread's title: Congress overturns incandescent bulb ban ... for now

did anyone buy that one?

well now i am convinced that CFLs should be banned.

i was not feeling very well yesterday and the internets helped me self-diagnose mercury poisoning. between that and the local nuclear power plant, i think my toxicity levels are way up.

all that stuff is so scary. why, even thinking about it makes me feel like a teenage girl.
Mercury is good for you, it makes you tough!

It's the Liberal kool-aid that kills ya!

They are feeding my kid that stuff by the gallon in law school.

He's just convinced me that the
McDonalds Hot Coffee Law Suit Verdict was indeed righteous!

He's interviewing today for a summer internship
that pays' the equivalent of $114,400.00 a year.

He's gonna have a bright future indeed!

They are feeding my kid that stuff by the gallon in law school.

yeah it's kinda hard to get away from that kind of thing in a profession that does better with liberal laws + the jury verdicts that tend to tag along. in a similar way i'd expect that obama will draw very few votes from lumberjacks next november...

i don't really see how the mercury is so dangerous. if you break a bulb, clean it up carefully and all is fine. it's a pain in the ass to clean up any broken glass object. this does not seem too much more burdensome. the people that are getting upset about mercury dangers are the same kind of assholes that think MSG is bad for you, that "growth hormones" in conventional dairy milk will cause problems, et cetera. (of course there are also people who take it way too far in the other direction, like peeler. no fucking way i'm dining on sick cows that fell over in feedlot squalor. sorry jim. if we have burgers, i'm acquiring the meat and cooking 'em! trust me, things will turn out better if i cook, anyway.)