Congressman Foley resigns in the face of pedophile claims

Now his talking head is saying he's a 'gay man'. Like that will lessen his offense. :rolleyes: Wonder what Barney Frank thinks? :devious:
Now the a Dem just stated on Fox that this has been going on since the 1990's, and that everybody already knew he was gay. This is getting to be a bit too ridiculous...*handonhip
This guy has been doing some Major lying for years. I don't think he's really
even a Rep.
Yep, he's a sick one, just about any way I look at it.

The Dems Are having a field-day with this one. Now they want Dennis Hastert
to resign. WTF?
This guy has been doing some Major lying for years. I don't think he's really
even a Rep.
Yep, he's a sick one, just about any way I look at it.

The Dems Are having a field-day with this one. Now they want Dennis Hastert
to resign. WTF?

They're saying Hastert knew what was going on based on the e-mails (which were pretty tame), and did nothing.
Haven't they been trying to get Hastert to step down for one reason or another for ages?
I think he's about the most humble seeming speaker that I've seen though myself,
and I really like that.
So why are the Dem's talking about the e-mails being in the GOP's hands, claiming "They knew this was going on", when it was the IM's and text messages that contained the elicit conversations?

There is an election in 29 days (give or take). Same reason it came out when it did. Same reason they aren't responding to reminders. Same reaso the are calling for Hasert to step down.

The media is playing everyting they say & there's hardly any time for rebuttal.

So, he finally says he's a homosexual (where has that word been?). Then he reminds everyone that he's a Catholic. Then he tells them he was abused by a priest. Then he says he never touched a minor. Can you say VICTIM? I knew you could.
"according to reports" i've seen, hassert saw some e-mails but they weren't much to get excited about. 'overly friendly' is a description i heard but not outright profane or sexually explicit. hassert told him to knock it off, probably the appropriate response. hassert didn't see the instant messages, if he had i would assume *cough* that he would have done more. hard to say though since this whole thing has been nothing but political posturing with the election a month away.

the only talking head i've heard even mention the kid or his family is Nancy Grace. where's david byrne when you need him?
The family initially (and I supose still) wanted this to just go away. No Harm, no foul kinda thing.
The IM was dated 2003. Did the kid keep it for the last three years because he knew it would come in handy at some point in time?
kinda like a certain blue dress with a certain stain?

my turn to bring up clinton for absolutly no reason!
kinda like a certain blue dress with a certain stain?

my turn to bring up clinton for absolutly no reason!


Kinda, although I think Monica was saving it as a keepsake (*sniff* *taste* "Oh Bill, Billll" *swoon*) and Tripp swooped on it ("Just try and stay out of my way. Just try!")

In late November, Lewinsky mentioned to Tripp that she intended to have the dress, which she had been saving a souvenir, dry-cleaned for a family event.

Billy-boy's just the gift that keeps on giving....

Q: Specifically, Mr. President, do you remember a card she sent you after she saw the movie ‘Titanic,’ in which she said that she reminisced or dreamed about the romantic feelings that occurred in the movie, and how that reminded her of you two? Do you remember that?

-Every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you, That is how I know you go on
-Far across the distance And spaces between us You have come to show you go on

I think the IMs were saved for the use of certain people at a certain time.
If I really care tommorow (later today technically) I'll see what I can find on this tidbit...

since Foley is a homo with a Republican voting record, some homosexual group with connections is being associated with the timing of this release. They were pissed he was a turncoat.

Didn't the CIA & FBI used to look for this kind of shit BECASUE of this kind of shit?



Wed Oct 04 2006 20:32:06 ET

A posting on ABCNEWS.COM of an unredacted instant message sessions between Rep. Mark Foley and a former congressional page has exposed the identity of the now 21 year-old accuser.

The website PASSIONATE AMERICA detailed the startling exposure late Wednesday.

ABCNEWS said in a statement: "We go to great lengths to prevent the names of alleged sex crime victims from being revealed. On Friday there was a very brief technical glitch on our site which was overridden immediately. It is possible that during that very brief interval a screen name could have been captured. Reviews of the site since then show no unredacted screen names."


On Tuesday ABC news released a high-impact instant message exchange between Foley and, as ABC explained, a young man "under the age of 18."

ABC headlined the story: "New Foley Instant Messages; Had Internet Sex While Awaiting House Vote"

But upon reviewing the records, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned, the young man was in fact over the age of 18 at the time of the exchange.

A network source explains, messages with the young man and disgraced former Congressman Foley took place before and after the 18th birthday.

That from Drudge? I don't suppose you'd want to add a link so the site doesn't have plagiarism issues.

Maybe this is one of those conservatives can ignore the site rules whenever they please kind of things?