'Constitutional crisis' looming over Obama's birth location

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The "Bush stole the election" crowd going on and on and on about that stupid shit even years later = bad.
You going on and on and on about this stupid shit all this time later = good.

Glad that's cleared up.
It would be pretty hard to explain this if he was not born in Hawaii:

Left column, about 3/4 down. To be fair though, this is on microfiche in some dark library. If it was real, why can't I find the original internet version? :evilsmok:

It didn't say that the child was born in Hawaii.

It only says that on this date Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. 0bama residing at this address birthed a son.

You can be anywhere in the world and place a notice in your hometown newspaper an ocean away to tell your friends and family that you had a baby.
Yeah...that's it. His parents must've KNOWN that he was going to be President of the USA and went to all that trouble decades before the fact..just to fool the American citizens into voting and electing some guy with a funny name.

Did Nancy Pelosi know there was an unresolved issue with 0's eligibility and signed off on it anyway?

The Theory is Now a Conspiracy And Facts Don’t Lie

* The DNC drafted, signed and notarized TWO slightly different versions of their Official Certification of Nomination documents, not one.
* One of those documents had complete legal language, and one of them was missing the text concerning the constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama.
* The version which is absent any certification of constitutional standing for the office of President is the version that was filed with every state in the country, and the one used by the DNC to elect Barack Obama President.

Last, the fact that TWO DNC Certifications exist, both signed, dated and notarized by the same individuals on the same day, means that a very real conspiracy to commit election fraud was underway, and since it took until six months after the election to uncover it, the conspiracy was indeed successful.

Are you still wondering why Barack Obama has spent nearly $1.5 million in taxpayer’s funds to race Department of Justice lawyers around the country to stop all cases questioning Obama’s eligibility before discovery can force Obama to open up his top secret life?

Canadian reporters. Doing the jobs Americans won't do.
Interesting, Canada has factually challenged psychos as well?

* The version which is absent any certification of constitutional standing for the office of President is the version that was filed with every state in the country, and the one used by the DNC to elect Barack Obama President.
Is that not factual?


Yes, it is factual.
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