Couple tortures adopted children


New Member
Five of the couple's seven adopted children, ages 12 to 17, told Florida investigators they were tortured by the couple, subjected to electric shocks, beatings with hammers and having their toenails yanked out with pliers.


They told of being forced to sleep in a closet in the Dollars' bedroom because the couple accused them of stealing food and misbehaving,

A couple wanted on child abuse charges surrendered to authorities a month after a 10-year-old girl in their care was removed from their home weighing only 29 pounds. The malnourished girl was locked in her bedroom for days at a time and fed only milk, nutritional drinks and a spoonful of food three times a day. She was given a paint bucket to use as a toilet.
I am not one to say "an eye for an eye..." but in this case, I think it fits. This is horrible. Hopefully when they end up in jail, the other inmates will give them a taste of their own medicine.

This makes me sick.

*edited cause I forgot a source. They are all the same news chanel, but on different pages*
PrincessLissa said:
I am not one to say "an eye for an eye..." but in this case, I think it fits. This is horrible. Hopefully when they end up in jail, the other inmates will give them a taste of their own medicine.

Oh, they will. Trust me.
My brother sent me a link to this story on Friday, with the following comments:
These sick bastards need to burn in hell. I would love to get on a plane and hunt these fucks down myself!!
Can't say that I blame him. :mad:
How can they burn in hell? It doesn't exist, remember? It's in that book of fairy tales everyone is so busy disbelieving. Must be a scientific explanation for it though.
SouthernN'Proud said:
How can they burn in hell? It doesn't exist, remember? It's in that book of fairy tales everyone is so busy disbelieving. Must be a scientific explanation for it though.
I never said that my brother didn't believe in it.

Perhaps you meant to respond to a different thread as your comments are irrelevant to this one.
SouthernN'Proud said:
How can they burn in hell? It doesn't exist, remember? It's in that book of fairy tales everyone is so busy disbelieving. Must be a scientific explanation for it though.

Now, now...let's not drag an argument from one thread into another...Besides...belief is belief, whether it be the 'scientific facts' that some subscribe to, or a belief system built upon the bible...Belief is what makes it so...;)
abooja said:
I never said that my brother didn't believe in it.

Perhaps you meant to respond to a different thread as your comments are irrelevant to this one.

Play nice...I'm the only one who can be mean here...;) :winkkiss:
Besides, I was more agreeing to the "hunt these fucks down" portion of my brother's comments. If anything, I think earth is hell. Stories like this only reinforce that belief.
Gato_Solo said:
Yep. Derailed what was about to become one whopper of a distraction, though. ;)
I would have bought defensive, but mean is simply an inaccurate assessment of my character. :alienhuh:

Please proceed with the far more interesting discussion about child torture...
abooja said:
I would have bought defensive, but mean is simply an inaccurate assessment of my character. :alienhuh:

Please proceed with the far more interesting discussion about child torture...

I stand...err...sit...corrected. ;)

My children get tortured from time to time. I take away their video games, and make them play outside when they visit me. When summer hits, I'm going to get them their licenses, and make them go fishing. :( I'm a terrible father. :p
I am not one to say "an eye for an eye..."

I am in most situations. This is one of those. I think the couple should have to go through what they put teh kids through and more
My take on situations like this is this...

The "parents" involved had to adopt they were "denide" a child naturally and I believe that is for a reason. These people are incapable, whether through ignorance, mental instability or just stupidity, of caring for a child and nature denide them that right!!!!!

The same.. can be said for couples under going firtility treatment... there is a reason they can't have kids and although its a physical problem... it may just be just as well that they can't. My great grandmother had a saying "There'll never be a baby in the house where there is already a "baby" "

My apologies to anyone who has/was/is adopt(ed/ing) or under go(ne/ing) fertility treatment... they're my views on the matter... we are "playing God" or rather messing with the natural balance or order of the world...

Don't even get me started on my views concerning world poverty / famine / natural disaster...
A couple wanted on child abuse charges surrendered to authorities a month after a 10-year-old girl in their care was removed from their home weighing only 29 pounds
What the hell happened that it took one month from the time that this abuse was discovered and the time when the rest of the kids were removed and the parents arrested.

I use italics because I don't think that the term parent should be applied to anyone who treats their kids/charges this way.:mad4:
MrBishop said:
What the hell happened that it took one month from the time that this abuse was discovered and the time when the rest of the kids were removed and the parents arrested.

I use italics because I don't think that the term parent should be applied to anyone who treats their kids/charges this way.:mad4:

The parents took off and it took a month to catch them.
PrincessLissa said:
The parents took off and it took a month to catch them.
I hope it took some truncheons, pepper-spray and some liberal application of 'resisting arrest' to catch'em :mad4:
ClaireBear said:
My take on situations like this is this...

The "parents" involved had to adopt they were "denide" a child naturally and I believe that is for a reason. These people are incapable, whether through ignorance, mental instability or just stupidity, of caring for a child and nature denide them that right!!!!!

The same.. can be said for couples under going firtility treatment... there is a reason they can't have kids and although its a physical problem... it may just be just as well that they can't. My great grandmother had a saying "There'll never be a baby in the house where there is already a "baby" "

My apologies to anyone who has/was/is adopt(ed/ing) or under go(ne/ing) fertility treatment... they're my views on the matter... we are "playing God" or rather messing with the natural balance or order of the world...

Don't even get me started on my views concerning world poverty / famine / natural disaster...

It may be messing with the natural order of things, but using your argument. Why are people that are fertile allowed to have so many children that they can't take care of them and end up dropping them off in a dumpster somewhere? Shouldn't the "natural order of things" made them sterile too?

Even if were are "playing God", we are doing good. Why would we let the children suffer? Bad parents give birth to 15 babies and not take care of them. According to you this is okay that they suffer and go hungry and get left on grocery store shelves to hopefully be found by someone else or simply starve to death. What if a child's birth parents die before they are able to take care of themselves? Is it the natural order to let that child die? Is it the natural order to deny that child a good life because we don't want to "play God"? Playing God in certain ways is no way bad. Giving others the gift of life, a chance to expierence things, and the ability to love others is in no way wrong. I think it is wrong to let them suffer in that back alley dumpster.

I understand that you may have very good reasons behind your argument against adoption, but the way you have presented it has come across as very inhumane and uncaring. What if you have a child and somehow pass away before they are able to take of themselve? What would you want to happen to them? Let the natural order take it's course and deny your child of life?