Create a story

The Flurffmeister wonders why Nixy is kissing fury when he's gay. Meanwhile, the Flurffmeister weeps for about 2 or 3 seconds over the loss of sb's sister, then proceeds to go pick up another chick with his irresistable stupendous awe-inspiring patented Ladies Man Technique™ and get her in the sack as well.
MuFu seeks a court inquiry into use of HIS patented Ladies Man Technique™ under a false patent.

Request for a court inquiry is approved and reveals that Flurffmeister's patented Ladies Man Technique™ is entirely inferior so the filing of a separate patent is justified. :D

While MuFu is busy with legal proceedings, the Flurffmeister manages to bag 40 beautiful ladies in one day. :eek: Fifteen minutes each, one right after another, and each one had experienced the best sex they ever had. :headbang:
Originally posted by fury
While MuFu is busy with legal proceedings, the Flurffmeister manages to bag 40 beautiful ladies in one day. :eek: Fifteen minutes each, one right after another, and each one had experienced the best sex they ever had. :headbang:

...Thus, the 40 blind virgins with no sense of smell (or taste, ewww...) get off to a bad start in their respective love lives. :D


Edit: The fifteen minutes/40 times thing confused me, sorry. Thanks for clearing that up fury.

15 girls for 40mins each would have been better though, dude...
Meanwhile little SB, inconsolable about the fact that her dolls have no heads, her face now looks like hamburger and passersby laugh at her clown mask, turns to the comfort of her priest. Too bad her sister is dead, she probably could have warned her.
Then a stranger wandered into their midst. Being confused at all the ruckus over nothing, he proceeded to leave.
Meanwhile after seeing two people sneaking away scatching their heads, Tarez walks into the malls trying to selll his amazing computers from NBS Computer systems, thinking he might has a good group of crazyies here he began his sales pitch.
as justintime returns from his campaign of sex and drugs in the wilderness, he goes by Tarez to hear his sales mumbo jumbo, sbcanada sees him and falls in love, justintime is mortified, disturbed, whatever shall he do? :eek:
TIME OUT[/siz]

the rules were simple, write a 2 (two) sentence addition to the story & almost half of these posts are single lines. *walks away shaking head in disgust*

Justintimes post was a run on sentence. Technically it was two sentences, without a period in the middle :D

Mortified and disturbed by sbcanadas sudden intense hormonal imbalance, he quickly gathers up all the headless dolls and proceeds to throw them at sb. Once again, sb cries.
A man he has never met keeps it that way. He is told by his parents that he is gay.

Seeing the fun of doll throwing Tarez hands out processors and video cards to add to the frey. Chunks of blood and gore soon liter the mall.
Feeling left out of causing mass destruction, she heads to the mall and lights random passerbyers on fire. With this done she then goes on a search to find someone with true lady's man quality's.
Luckily, a man with a 12" penis is close by and her search comes to a premature end.

In a totally unrelated incident, a man is arrested for painting sparrows and selling them as parrots.

Meanwhile, a hundred miles away a man walks in the snow.
He and his beautiful girlfriend are walking through the woods when suddenly...
A flock of sparrows painted to look like parrots craps all over their heads. Disgusted, they pull faggy Ken dolls out of their backpacks and proceed to assault each other.
While back at the mall, people dressed up like batman and robin rob a jewlery store and then spontaneously combust. could it be caused by the pie's the kitty sold them?
Just then, sbcanada, whiping the tears from her face, looks down and realizes that she is a he. He then notices kitty walking by and proceeds to follow her, stiffy and all. :rofl2: