Critical news in the development of Stem Cell technology


Well-Known Member
It gets rid of cellulite

A MIRACLE cream promising to destroy cellulite in just nine MINUTES hits the UK this week.

The £68 serum made from plant stem cells has already been ordered by 100,000 Brits after selling out within days of its US launch.

The makers of Adonia LegTone claim the plant extracts help tone up weak skin stem cells.

They are said to be the main cause for cellulite, which affects nearly nine in ten UK women.


Independent clinical trials in the States found the treatment reduced up to 47 per cent of cellulite in just nine minutes. Over six weeks 70 per cent vanished.

Dr Mark Binette, of maker Greek Island Labs, said: “A healthy diet, lashings of water and a regular exercise regime will help keep cellulite levels down — but sometimes a girl just needs a little extra help. The secret has been captured in a bottle.”

wow. how many babies did they kill for that one????

Well we all know that baby killin' is what all liberals want. They are looking for faster and more efficient ways to kill babies! Killin' babies is a liberal's joy! The whole platform of the left is a thinly veiled plan to kill babies don't ya know?!?
Well we all know that baby killin' is what all liberals want. They are looking for faster and more efficient ways to kill babies! Killin' babies is a liberal's joy! The whole platform of the left is a thinly veiled plan to kill babies don't ya know?!?
OMG! Shut up already! You're giving out too many secrets!!!! They know too much already!
YEA!!!!! The government now pays for stem cell research!!!! WOOHOO!!!!

What was the last thing the government labs discovered/invented?
It's not government labs, it's researchers at major universities who now have a whole new avenue for their research. I've also heard that a great many of these cells are harvested from embryos from fertility clinics that would otherwise go in the trash. So even if you subscribe to life begins at conception, (how an embryo is sentient is beyond me) then ask yourself this; I have two choices, would I rather be used to research things that may save lives, or would I rather end up as medical waste?
Obama, to great fanfare and a standing O, signed the official fetal harvesting presidential executive order today. Nice touch for a political party which demands the killing of innocents to glean votes.

So who will be next? The infirm? The aged? The crippled? The mentally ill? Their quality of life is ... well ... less than spectacular so we should bump them off also. Perhaps we can find a use for their cells, too. Maybe Soylent Green, eh?
Obama, to great fanfare and a standing O, signed the official fetal harvesting presidential executive order today. Nice touch for a political party which demands the killing of innocents to glean votes.

Republicans led us into the war on Iraq.

So who will be next? The infirm? The aged? The crippled? The mentally ill?

I don't think any of those are in embryo form destined for medical waste.

But if it was up to you it would be anyone who wasn't making much money or was costing a lot of money. You say your mom's retirement home is costing a lot of money? Shoot her!
It's not government labs, it's researchers at major universities who now have a whole new avenue for their research.

New avenue? They were never limited. The only limitation placed was from FEDERAL FUNDING (not their place)
..and without funding, research doesn't take place. The only exceptions would be in corporations..and unless they see a way to make money off of R&D in short order, they ain't touching it. Which leaves ... places who need funding.

Rinse, repeat if necessary.
YEA!!!!! The government now pays for stem cell research!!!! WOOHOO!!!!

What was the last thing the government labs discovered/invented?

apparently you haven't studied the history of invention in the US.

have you even heard of elmer sperry?

china lake, anyone?

hey, take a look at DARPA! they mighta had something to do with that thing called the intarnets. hey, they're still active today!

you have any idea how boring and shitty most corporate-funded research is, in your glorious, can-do-no-wrong private sector? familiar with the terms "radical invention" v "conservative invention?"
