Dean Calls Iraqi PM an 'Anti-Semite'

highwayman said:
Off your medication? Or a lack of focus?

Either case get over it or start your meds...
if you can't/don't want to come up with a cohesive argument to post(s) but instead solely wish to sling vague insults at other posters then don't talk.
paul_valaru said:
what the hell does that have to do with the Iraqi PM?

It doesn't, but it was brought up here..

spike said:
What's the Iraqi Prime Minster's position on welfare reform?

Which led to my thinking of his grasp of reality is weak and my comment of the meds...
spike said:
The Iraq war is one big screw up but it didn't start to fight terrorists. The War on terror has been full of screw ups too though. It pretty much jinxed when the prez says he doesn't care about finding the person responsible for the terrorist attack in the US.

Was Iraq directly responsible for 9/11? No. Was Iraq paying $20,000 to the families of suicide bombers? Yes. Is that aiding and abetting terrorism? Yes. So how again does Iraq have nothing to do with the War on Terror?
Inkara1 said:
Was Iraq directly responsible for 9/11? No. Was Iraq paying $20,000 to the families of suicide bombers? Yes. Is that aiding and abetting terrorism? Yes. So how again does Iraq have nothing to do with the War on Terror?
In answer to your question: Do you think that the United States is more secure against middle-eastern terrorists now than it was before the Iraq war? Before the Afghanistan war even?
Yes... but that wouldn't have taken much.

We're not much very much safer now than before, and we're certainly not safe... but I do think we're safer now than then.
Inkara1 said:
Yes... but that wouldn't have taken much.

We're not much very much safer now than before, and we're certainly not safe... but I do think we're safer now than then.
See, I don't think it's made a bit of difference. In fact, I think the Israelis are doing more for our national security than George I, Billy the rockstar and George II have done combined.
chcr said:
In fact, I think the Israelis are doing more for our national security

Since we live in an age of instant gratification media, there will never again be a war than can be won the way WW2 was won. It was brutal & ugly & stinky & smelly & bloody & lots & lots & lots of civilians died.

They all died because there was but one accepted result.

Complete & absolute surrender of the enemy. Nothing short of that would do. SO we destroyed Germany. We destroyed Japan. Ironically, they hjaven't had a dictator since.

So, since we've pussied out & refuse to show ugliness on the CBS Evening News with Dan Rather (substituting for the fired Mr Rather is Katie Couric), the conversation at teh G8 went someting like this:

World: Pres Bush, you must stop Israel.


(phone call to Omert) Bush:Stop it. The Hezboallah (whispering) kick their ass, we'll stall for a awhile (end whispering) leaders wish for a cease fire (whispering) they need to rearm(not whispering) OK! Do you hear. Stop it.

Omert: Sure, ASAP.

Bush:He said he'll pass word to his military commanders. Say, look at the pretty bird.
highwayman said:
It doesn't, but it was brought up here..

Which led to my thinking of his grasp of reality is weak and my comment of the meds...

The point your missing is that you were the one that brought up welfare in a thread about the Iraqi Prime Minister not me.

This made your attempted insults entirely out of place.
spike said:
This made your attempted insults entirely out of place.

Pot, kettle, anodized aluminum

spike said:
The opinion of the Iraqi prime minister is going to make it even more difficult for republicans to act as if their gigantic screw up there is working.
So, since we've pussied out

Exactly the point. Took you long enough to get to it. Nobody (liberal or conservative) is willing to make the hard decisions or take the heat. This is one of many reasons that I refuse to align myself with either self-proclaimed group.
That's where you're wrong. A conservtive would make the hard choice. Know where we can get one?

Do not make the mistake & confuse liberal & conservative with republican & democrat.
Gonz said:
That's where you're wrong. A conservtive would make the hard choice. Know where we can get one?

Do not make the mistake & confuse liberal & conservative with republican & democrat.
It's all the same shit with different marketing. Haven't we discussed this before? The Democrats have currently tied their fortunes to the liberal wagon just as the Republicans have tied theirs to the conservative one. I'll grant you that there are more liberal democrats than conservative republicans. The point though, is that none of them will make the hard choices or take any responsibility. That isn't how to get elected and that is all any of them really care about. All the same, QED. We only have ourselves to blame, we're the voters that created the mess.
Not always the voter. Look at Joe Liberman. The (D) party is abandoning him like rats from a sinking ship because he's taken a somewhat right lean on the war even though the voters would most likely re-elect him. He may be forced to run as an independent against a (D).
My problem is that if Dean was a popular republican this thread would not exist.

*edit* seriously a polititan supporting Hezbollah is supporting a terrorist organization, what is wrong with what Dean said.

When fighting a War on terror, it is a bad result to help a man get elected who then supports a terrorist organization. But that was the choice of the Iraqi people, and the US is free to cut off support if they have distaste for this.
paul_valaru said:
My problem is that if Dean was a popular republican this thread would not exist.

I think it would... it would have been started by someone else, fur sure, but it would exist.
Inkara1 said:
I think it would... it would have been started by someone else, fur sure, but it would exist.

fair enough, but either way it is just another republican VS democrat dick waving contest camoflaged as something else.

to break it down US is anti-Hezbollah Iraq is pro-hezbollah

a politian wants to boycott an address by this Iraqi, showing he does not support his pro-hezbollah stance.

what is the problem?
paul_valaru said:
a politian wants to boycott an address by this Iraqi, showing he does not support his pro-hezbollah stance.

If demorats did anything but use GW & anything he does/stands for/beleives in as fodder to hate him some more, I might beleive what you're saying. They have proven, repeatedly, that they will use any cause & go to any means to politicize this war.

Should the republicans go to the same length to bash Williy since, hey, we're still in Boznia & it's been more than 6 months.