Dean Calls Iraqi PM an 'Anti-Semite'

Darn it Gonz! How are we supposed to cling to the fantasy that it's all the eevilll Israelis' fault when you keep introducing facts?
They are both Israel and the people they fight with are usually both at fault.

Say hypothetically you were the commanding general of Hezbollah and had to come up with a wimming strategy to beat Israel. What would it be?
spike said:
Say hypothetically you were the commanding general of Hezbollah and had to come up with a wimming strategy to beat Israel. What would it be?

Disband, and support the peace process, give them no reason to attack anyone.
Israel could support the peace process too, but that wasn't really the hypothetical question. I probably shouldn't expect an answer though.
spike said:
Israel could support the peace process too, but that wasn't really the hypothetical question. I probably shouldn't expect an answer though.

Forget the giving in to EVERYTHING the UN wants (cause the arab states would still not recognize Israel) How has Israel not supported the peace process.

The fact that Syria is not a pile of smoking glass is proof enough that Israel is willing to try the peace process. They gave back the Gaza, the Sinia, go to peace talks. Having neibors who's thoughts on Israel is only it's total destruction is not helping the process along. If the arab states REALLY want peace they would stamp out these terrorist groups with extreme prejustice.
paul_valaru said:
Forget the giving in to EVERYTHING the UN wants (cause the arab states would still not recognize Israel) How has Israel not supported the peace process.

How have they given in to everything the UN wants when they are currently viollating more than a few resolutions?

Damn man, have you forgot the lists of condemnations already from the other day? Those are because Israel keeps thumbing it's nose at the UN and has been since it joined.

Hell no they aren't supporting the peace process.
spike said:
Damn man, have you forgot the lists of condemnations already from the other day? Those are because Israel keeps thumbing it's nose at the UN and has been since it joined.

The condemnations mean absolutely nothing when the solution is to do nothing about the Arab attacks.

The UN is a paper tiger. An organization that is, in essence, a hate the US unless & until we need something club full of tyrants & tinpot dictators.

Want to end this...start by the UN enforcing Resolution 1559, 2 years ago. Just one of hundreds of examples of UN failures when it comes to stopping Arab mayhem.

One of those little Didja Knows...pre-1948 Jews in that region were called Palestinians & Arabs were offended by that term. My, what a differnce a little PR makes.
Gonz said:
The condemnations mean absolutely nothing when the solution is to do nothing about the Arab attacks.

The UN is a paper tiger. An organization that is, in essence, a hate the US unless & until we need something club full of tyrants & tinpot dictators.

Want to end this...start by the UN enforcing Resolution 1559, 2 years ago. Just one of hundreds of examples of UN failures when it comes to stopping Arab mayhem.

Tnat's not the solution.

The UN is not a "hate the US" organization in fact the US excersises more control than any other nation.

Of course you want Resolutions that benift Israel enforce but not the ones they are violating Israeli mayhem. This is BS.

Israel children supporting the peace process:

Israeli mayhem: (disturbing picture) edited by Gonz

The US needs to stop funding this crap.
spike said:
Of course you want Resolutions that benift Israel enforce but not the ones they are violating Israeli mayhem.

The UN enforces the stop attacking Israel policies it pretends to adhere to & Israel stops needing to defend itself. Cool how that works, huh? I can guarantee you that, without provocation, Israel would attack noone.
Gonz said:
The UN enforces the stop attacking Israel policies it pretends to adhere to & Israel stops needing to defend itself. Cool how that works, huh? I can guarantee you that, without provocation, Israel would attack noone.

If Israel would stop attacking and breaking the law then the other countries wouldn't need to defend themselves. You keep ignoring the two way street here.
There is no two-way street. Israel has never attacked another nation without provocation.
Gonz said:
There is no two-way street. Israel has never attacked another nation without provocation.

Right, neither has the other sides. They just keep provoking each other.
forgetting giving in to the UN stuff means, forget it, not gonna happen.

The UN is like my mom, "walk away from the bullies, even if they hit you, fighting never solves anything"

that never worked for me, going apeshit on their ass, now that got them to leave me alone.
Well, they've been going apeshit on each other for a long time now and now everyone is leaving each other alone.
They've tried goiing apeshit. Big Brother America or Aunty UN has stepped in the way to end the carnage before victory was achieved. Had we all let them fight it out, there would be no problem.

Cease fires have proven, repeatedly, to be useless.
Everyhtings proved to be useless. We should try cutting off funding to Israel until they start complying.