Democrats Boost Intensity As Race Narrows


Too cute for words
1 hour ago

By MIKE GLOVER, Associated Press Writer

DUBUQUE, Iowa - With the presidential campaign's opening test volatile and far too close to call, the Democratic rivals are cranking up their efforts to full-throated intensity even as the top contenders begin cooling their rhetoric to undecided voters.
The major candidates focused heavily on vote-rich eastern Iowa, with polls showing four candidates essentially tied, with a significant number of activists still undecided just a couple of days before Iowa's precinct caucuses.
Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean and Missouri Rep. Dick Gephardt agreed to end their use of relentlessly negative television commercials, while North Carolina Sen. John Edwards called on them to go a step farther and stop the blizzard of direct-mail attacks flooding mailboxes in the state.

Yeah, right.

I've only been voting for thirty years. Was there ever a time when candidates ran on the issues?

*Note: The other guy is an asshole is not an issue (whether or not he is)*
I wish there was ONE candidate I felt I could stand behind. I'm not comfortable voting for ANY of them, but four more years of Bush? :suicide:
Thanks for the link, I plan to spend some time with it, and appreciate your posting it. :)

Honestly, though, for the first time in my life I understand the apathy that so many of my friends have exhibited over the years. Truly, what's the point? Anyone who can climb that greasy pole well enough to become a candidate sold his/her soul a long time ago. I voted Green last election. Fat lot of good that did. I've never missed a local or national election, but I'm very close skipping the event this time around. The only constructive thing I can think of at this point is to straighten my affairs out well enough so that I could just leave this country for good. The problem then becomes where to go? :disgust:
Ms Ann Thrope said:
Thanks for the link, I plan to spend some time with it, and appreciate your posting it. :)

Honestly, though, for the first time in my life I understand the apathy that so many of my friends have exhibited over the years. Truly, what's the point? Anyone who can climb that greasy pole well enough to become a candidate sold his/her soul a long time ago. I voted Green last election. Fat lot of good that did. I've never missed a local or national election, but I'm very close skipping the event this time around. The only constructive thing I can think of at this point is to straighten my affairs out well enough so that I could just leave this country for good. The problem then becomes where to go? :disgust:
The only person I have ever voted for in a presidential election was John Anderson (no, not the country singer).

Edit: But I always vote.
chcr said:
The only person I have ever voted for in a presidential election was John Anderson (no, not the country singer).

Edit: But I always vote.

I remember him; my entire family voted for him.

I've never missed an election, as I said, but honestly Chic....I've never felt more disheartened than I do with the current crop of candidates. And I'm finally starting to feel that there's really very little point to participating in the process. It's all run by the same cabal.... the same cronies.... and voting for a third party candidate is no longer enough to assuage my conscience. It simply feels like a waste of time.
It very well may be a waste of time. How many have died in battle just so you could waste your time so frivolously? One of the reasons we have these dweebs running is because so many have given up "because it doesn't matter". When it doesn't matter, thieves & liars take over.
Gonz said:
It very well may be a waste of time. How many have died in battle just so you could waste your time so frivolously? One of the reasons we have these dweebs running is because so many have given up "because it doesn't matter". When it doesn't matter, thieves & liars take over.
The thieves and liars took over a long time ago. And now they're (our armed forces) dying to line the pockets of those thieves and liars. :crying3:
So, instead og finding leaders & people with honor we just walk away & let it disintegrate farther?
I'm not suggesting anyone do that. I'm stating that I feel close to that point myself. There are no leaders left whom I respect, and people with honor would never consider running for office.

Think I might rent The Candidate this evening....I'm ready for a little pre-election entertainment :disgust:
Well you know I feel the thieves and liars are already in office, but thats beside the point...The dems continue to destroy themselves thereby letting the thieves and liars in....The situation is becoming rather depressing and the malaise is taking over again. Four more years of Bush and this country may never recover. I truely believe that. And, contrary to how we discuss things on the board, I don't like feeling this way...
Squiggy said:
Well you know I feel the thieves and liars are already in office, but thats beside the point...The dems continue to destroy themselves thereby letting the thieves and liars in....The situation is becoming rather depressing and the malaise is taking over again. Four more years of Bush and this country may never recover. I truely believe that. And, contrary to how we discuss things on the board, I don't like feeling this way...
The difference between the democrats and republicans is markteting, nothing more.

Case in point: last admin, tax and spend democrats, deficit decreases.
Current administration, fiscally responsible republicans. :rofl4: (sorry, I forgot deficits don't matter)

I think you can see that each president pretty much has done what they could get away with, with no regard for the American citizen. Marketing. If your marketing is better, you too can be president (or senator, congressman, governor of California...).
I don't understand american politics, I get US stations, all I see are mudslinging ads.

you guys get "I never inhaled"

we get "well I never tried smokig it, but I had a hash brownie once, it was good"
I think its more that the dems have no continuity...Every loser of the dem primary who thinks he can afford it will run as an independent and divide the party...Hell...last election, the republicans were sending support to Nader just to steal votes from Gore. And it worked. :shrug:

I'm taking a hard look at Edwards now. And I like what I see...
Before you hype the Democrats as being less crook & liar than the Republicans let me remind you that it was a Dem that got impeached, for lying.

A politician that reaches national level, especially those that reach national significance have a past. Sometimes it bites 'em in the ass & sometimes the teeth just miss. Either way, in order to get to that point in ones life they have to be incredibly ego-tistic. Thinking the country needs them. Power corrupts.

chcr, there never was a drop in the defecit. It was smoke & mirrors. Tomorrows projection on income.
chcr, there never was a drop in the defecit. It was smoke & mirrors. Tomorrows projection on income.
Like the huge increase now?

Not that I disagree, Gonz, but you'll note that both sides will use similar tactics to hide the fact. Marketing, nothing more.
No, Bush & company are spending like drunken sailors. That is a long ago complaint. Although, when the economy gets it's steam built all thw way up, the forecast defecits will drop.