Democrats Boost Intensity As Race Narrows

Gonz, don't be rediculous. The national debt (let me insert public debt less someoine get all confused) dropped significantly. If it could be done with your smoke & mirrors, why wouldn't the republicans do that too...Your arguments are assnine. Clinton was not found guilty. Nixon, on the other hand, would probably have been hanged. As would Reagen and Poppa Bush if dubya didn't seal their records away forever... Smells like Limbaugh in here again... :fart:
The economy is already cooking & by March, your going to see the lagging indicators (read unemployment) drop.

Place your bets.
haven't unemployment rates dropped several times in the past years during this economic downtime just to turn around and climb again?

And I thought Clinton was found guilty, impeached, just not removed from office.
Squiggy said:
Gonz, don't be rediculous. The national debt (let me insert public debt less someoine get all confused) dropped significantly. If it could be done with your smoke & mirrors, why wouldn't the republicans do that too...Your arguments are assnine. Clinton was not found guilty. Nixon, on the other hand, would probably have been hanged. As would Reagen and Poppa Bush if dubya didn't seal their records away forever... Smells like Limbaugh in here again... :fart:

William Jefferson Clinton WAS impeached.
BBC said:
The first vote was 228 to 206 in favour of impeaching President Clinton for perjury in front of a grand jury. Congressmen also passed another charge on obstruction of justice by 221 to 212.

Richard Nixon had the decency to step down.
Only by way of your 'bendable' figures...Pay attention...If the economy falls 50% in one month, then increases 50% the next month, that figure will undoubtibly be the biggest rise in the economy over a one month pereiod that the country has seen in a long, long time...BUT THE ECONOMY WILL STILL BE 25% BEHIND FROM 2 MONTHS PRIOR
Clinton was found NOT GUILTY. Nixon didn't stand a chance. He saved his own ass by stepping down. I think you may be the last right winger brainwashed enough to call Nixon decent...:disgust2:
Squiggy said:
Only by way of your 'bendable' figures...Pay attention...If the economy falls 50% in one month, then increases 50% the next month, that figure will undoubtibly be the biggest rise in the economy over a one month pereiod that the country has seen in a long, long time...BUT THE ECONOMY WILL STILL BE 25% BEHIND FROM 2 MONTHS PRIOR

Given your model, we'd be even with the month prior to the drop.
Gonz said:
When you understand impeachment, try again.

He was impeached.

Um ..yeah...He still gets due process. And he was found NOT GUILTY. When you understand democracy, look at the issue again. :disgust2:
The House votes for impeachment. The Senate holds trial.

He was impeached. The only other President ever impeached was Andrewe Jackson.. Bill made 2.
Gonz said:
The House votes for impeachment. The Senate holds trial.

He was impeached. The only other President ever impeached was Andrewe Jackson.. Bill made 2.

So what? Its the way the system works. And, in the end, He was still standing...:shrug:
freako104 said:
isnt it impeachment only if he is voted out of office? Im confused

Nope. Impeachment only means he/she may be brought to trial for an offense. After the impeachment, the trial decides guilt or innocence and will assess penalties appropriate for the crime.