Democrats Boost Intensity As Race Narrows

:shrug: don't know who he is,its the BS/mudslinging in US politics that I find abhorrent. Rather watch Daffy and Bugs and the duck/rabbit season schtick than the "Bozo the Clones" show.
Ahhh..But thats the difference. Hes the only one not doing that. He runs on the issues. Hes a 50 year old, first term Senator from North Carolina. And he speaks wiser than the veteran politicians......They're scared of him now because his following is growing fast.
Squiggy said:
Clinton was found NOT GUILTY...

Q. Did you hear President Clinton was found "Not Guilty"?
A. It's because Ms. Lewinsky swallowed the only evidence.

Squiggy said:
I'm taking a hard look at Edwards now. And I like what I see...

Nicknamed this year’s “Clinton-esque” political personality, John Edwards has more than once been likened to the former president.’s William Saletan says that “Edwards has Clinton’s assets — youth, brains, good looks, Southern roots.” Is he a 'closet psychopath' too? ('Their most pervasive trait is a stunning lack of conscience. They are glib, lack remorse, guilt, or empathy, are emotionally shallow and lie easily and convincingly. Underneath a charming, sometimes irresistibly likeable facade, the closet psychopath is ruthless, ambitious, selfish, and dishonest.')

Squiggy said:
Ahhh..But thats the difference. Hes the only one not doing that. He runs on the issues.

Saturday, Jan. 24, 2004
No sooner than the media were heaping praise on Senator John Edwards for the positive tone of his campaign, an Edwards campaign document surfaced revealing specific plans to attack other candidates. So is Edwards committed to positive campaigning, or not?

Then, out of the blue, ABC reported that an official "John Edwards for President" precinct campaign packet contained instructions to Edwards caucus-goers to attack his opponents. Dean was to be described as a "Park Avenue elitist from New York City" who balanced his Vermont budgets "on the backs of the poor and sick." They were to paint Kerry as one having "the stale record of a Washington insider" who "has been part of the failed Washington politics for too long." Wesley Clark was to be derided for having praised the president's "neo-conservative foreign policy team."

Upon hearing about this potential destroyer of his positive aura, Edwards denied his awareness of the document – notwithstanding his signature on it – and instructed his "staff not to do anything like that again." Of course, after denying he signed it and essentially blaming it on his staff, he said, curiously, that he takes full responsibility for it. Translation: "I didn't do it, so don't hold me accountable. In fact, give me extra points for paying lip service to taking responsibility for it."

But isn't he 'pro-war'?

"I know of lot of you here don't agree with me on this, but I do believe Saddam Hussein must be disarmed," John Edwards 02-22-2003
"Removing Saddam Hussein's government from power was the right thing to do. The fall of Saddam offered the best opportunity in a generation to transform the Middle East and promote democracy and human rights in the region." John Edwards 08-8-2003
You know, I may have mentioned this before, but they're all thieves, liars and con-men. Edwards made lots of money as a "personal injury" lawyer. You know, suing people for serving their coffee too hot, letting the guy at the bar have the beer he ordered, stuff like that. :shrug:

Freako, the situational ethics of a politician demand that he change his story each time he sees advantage in a different stand. They all do it.
Maybe they were thrown over the WH fence with Kerrys medals in 1972 (which in fact weren't Kerry's medals)
Squiggy said:
:rofl: I guess The Other One hasn't found the balls to go enlist yet....


Squiggy said:
You have no idea how bitter I get at those who post here with so much conviction in thier words and NONE in thier actions...:rolleyes:


When I say I support the President and his decisions regarding the war on terror does it diminish your process of thought so much that you can only reach back to the 4th grade and come up with "If you love your country so much then why don't you marry it?"

May I remind you: your country was attacked a couple years ago, and 3,000 of your fellow citizens, innocents all, were either blown to pieces, smashed into a field at 300 mph, burned alive, or bailed out of a doomed building with suitcase in hand and bit the pavement below. Since that hasn't been the catalyst for you to at least momentarily set aside your maniacal views and stop whining about how a President you didn't vote for is making decisions for the good of your country and you don't want to accept them, how about pulling your head out of the sand, face reality and grow a backbone: Terrorism is still out there. It wants you dead. It wants your family and your friends dead. It's not going away. Jersey would make a nice target, wouldn't it? Close to Canada, and Hell, they don't enforce their borders. Only because of the President's choices that your country hasn't been attacked again. Only because. It would behoove you to reflect on the past couple years and try to turn your liberal-addled mind to the future and realize the necessity of supporting your country, and not weaken it. Surely in following your own credo you've been doing all you can to belittle your own country, am I right? You have been joining in the anti-war/ anti-US/anti-Bush protests, and have even puked your guts out on federal building steps, bound in a lovely daisy chain with all your fellow spineless comrades.
The Other One said:
You have been joining in the anti-war/ anti-US/anti-Bush protests, and have even puked your guts out on federal building steps, bound in a lovely daisy chain with all your fellow spineless comrades.

Guess that's why he joined the Marines then, huh?
Squiggy said:
Is that the long winded way of telling us you couldn't find your balls? :rofl4:

Hmmm, you sure are obsessed with my balls...
The figurative form of them, of course.

As someone who speaks with such strong conviction against protecting their country from terrorism how many times have you been arrested for protesting your President's choices---clearly that would be the equivalent of enlisting in the military to show support for his decisions. Surely you have such fervor in your anti-US bias that you have found yourself cuffed and stuffed at least once?? C'mon, tell the truth; I'd think you'd be proud of it, maybe carry a wallet-sized photo of your mug shot to remind yourself of what a fine upstanding American citizen you are... :lol2:
The Other One said:
Hmmm, you sure are obsessed with my balls...
The figurative form of them, of course.

As someone who speaks with such strong conviction against protecting their country from terrorism how many times have you been arrested for protesting your President's choices---clearly that would be the equivalent of enlisting in the military to show support for his decisions. Surely you have such fervor in your anti-US bias that you have found yourself cuffed and stuffed at least once?? C'mon, tell the truth; I'd think you'd be proud of it, maybe carry a wallet-sized photo of your mug shot to remind yourself of what a fine upstanding American citizen you are... :lol2:

Hmpf...........remove head from sphincter then post.
But then he might actually read and COMPREHEND other peoples' posts. *horrified look* Can't we just keep him in the dark?
BeardofPants said:
But then he might actually read and COMPREHEND other peoples' posts. *horrified look* Can't we just keep him in the dark?

My head is up my ass with regards to..... balls obsession? Mugshots? Purple hearts? Please enlighten me.