Democrats Boost Intensity As Race Narrows

Hhhmmmm, well OK, after all he supports Bush - he knows what it's like living with his head up someone else's arse ;)
and I betcha Rob could tell a thing or two about Canada's unguarded borders :retard:

holy swallowed propaganda, Batman!!! :eek5:
So you're talking about a disillusioned veteran who went into war blinded by youth, who saw the death and destruction war brings firsthand and came back a forever changed person with a changed attitude towards government--- a la "Born on the Fourth of July"?
Now, that's old news now....bzzzzzzz, game over - do not pass GO do not collect 200 bucks...... we are talking about the possibilities of me getting a good & proper Canadian search when I go there :p
Leslie, would it be against the AUP to tell this dumbass to shut the fuck up about things he doesn't know anything about? Just checking...
The Other One said:
So you're talking about a disillusioned veteran who went into war blinded by youth, who saw the death and destruction war brings firsthand and came back a forever changed person with a changed attitude towards government--- a la "Born on the Fourth of July"?

:rofl: How umm..., profound.
PuterTutor said:
Leslie, would it be against the AUP to tell this dumbass to shut the fuck up about things he doesn't know anything about? Just checking...
yeah...but don't forget about : stfu :
Oh, I's all about you people... and God forbid someone with a view that dissents from the majority here makes a comment that you don't like. What are you going to do--throw me into the woodchipper? Toss me off a rooftop? Maybe chop off my hands 'cos you don't like what I type? I know, I know-- you're still pissed off that Saddam's out of power. Tsk. Seems you're all a bunch of leftist elitists: you really believe that Bush has bad intentions, and that everything that’s going wrong in the world is America's fault. The average American citizen could find their way out of their ignorance if they simply believed everything the Left has to say. Hate to be the one to break it to you but the Democrats are going to lose the presidential election. You're not going to have the White House back, no matter how hard you stamp your little feet.

I feel obliged to say that you all are wrong on yet another perspective: the "didn't he say...he's an asshole...he does't know what he's talking about... he better shut the fuck up...blah, blah, blah, blah." Why do you feel that since I support the President and Operation: Iraqi Freedom that I am a He ? Never once have I claimed to possess a 'Y' chromosome. I guess if you would "read and COMPREHEND other people's posts" then maybe you would've caught on back in August of '03 that I modestly described myself as "midwest gal from NE." It must be the leftist elitist drivel swirling around in your brains that is clogging your cognition. :winkkiss:
TOO said:
Oh, I's all about you people... and God forbid someone with a view that dissents from the majority here makes a comment that you don't like.


If you see "Gonz" anywhere in a thread, you can damned well bet there's dissention right behind him. It's aprt of the charm *choke* here
Gonz said:

If you see "Gonz" anywhere in a thread, you can damned well bet there's dissention right behind him. It's aprt of the charm *choke* here

now THAT is a comment even I can appreciate :D ;) lol
um...TOO, that whole post said a whole lotta nothin', except to show that you sure swallow propaganda waaaaay too easily.
The Other One said:
Hate to be the one to break it to you but the Democrats are going to lose the presidential election. You're not going to have the White House back, no matter how hard you stamp your little feet.
and...........don't be so cocksure about that one either :retard:
But right now, the voters apparently aren’t seeing him the commander and chief in a favourable light, as Bush is losing support on his Iraq policy. According to a tracking poll, public support for the President dropped 10 points after outgoing weapons inspector David Kay said Iraq had no banned weapons. Meanwhile, a separate Newsweek poll puts Bush's support at 48 percent and suggests he’d lose an election to Democratic front-runner John Kerry
Go Kerry!!!!! :headbang:
