'measureless peril'

Suspend your prejudices for a moment and read this column.
One section certainly speaks to the need to prevail in Iraq.
...immediate policy must demonstrate that a terrorist challenge produces catastrophic consequences for the perpetrators, as well as their supporters, tacit or explicit.'
We have the strength — military, economic, cultural, diplomatic, (dare I include the strength of our religious faith, also?) — to persist around the world unto victory — for generations if necessary.
Oh yes good stuff!!!
So would that be from your personal experience?

If you don't understand that this, and many other current wars, are being waged by a network of the lowest common denominator (extreme islam). Each front may using differnt titles, but the goal is the same, turf. By neglecting to understand this simple point you cannot see the big picture.

"We should fully understand our religion. Fighting is a part of our religion and our Sharia [an Islamic legal code]. Those who love God and his Prophet and this religion cannot deny that. Whoever denies even a minor tenet of our religion commits the gravest sin in Islam."


-Never Forget: this war was brought to us, we're just taking it back to them.
and it's a hell of a lot better being fought in Fallujah than in Omaha.
As a chosen occupation
shooting at Americans
would qualify as a bright choice?

“Hi I shoot at Americans”

“Well don’t move into my hood!
Tanks rounds, mortars, automatic weapons fire,
artillery rounds, Hellfire missiles and 2,000 pound
bombs tend to really depress real estate values.”

If you're still chewing the props-0-ganda, the facts will certainly choke you to death.

The Koran said:
"O Prophet! Make war against the unbelievers (all non-Muslims) and the hypocrites and be merciless against them. Their home is hell, an evil refuge indeed." (Koran, 9:73)

*stand behind chcr and preforms the Heimlich Maneuver *

Keep chewing the props-0-ganda, you will see the nice bunny at the bottom of the bowl (so they say).
chcr said:
:rolleyes: Yep, those danged Iraqis'll be in Nebraska tomorrow. Jesus, your an, Oh never mind.

Wasn't so funny when they made it to NYC, DC & Pennsylvania was it?
Gonz said:
Wasn't so funny when they made it to NYC, DC & Pennsylvania was it?

I still can't fathom that you could even dream that anything you all are doing over there is going to stop events like that happening again.

It's absolutely mind-boggling.
I do not believe that anything you all are doing over there is going to have one whit of effect on stopping any terrorism from occurring in any country, and I'm dumbfounded at times when I see that he still is of this belief that somehow things are going to miraculously change when the right number of bomblets is dropped.
Your right Leslie,

So do nothing and wait, its inevitable, let it happen.

Lets roll-over and play dead, maybe they will go away.

. . . are you nuts! (meant in the nicest possible way).

Canuki News said:
. . . two people driving a van loaded 12 drums of red phosphorous . . . The chemical is highly incendiary . . . the two people arrested here were Muslims, and that they claimed they were paid $4500 to drive the phosphorous to the U.S.

. . . They were released with a court appearance set for July.

Red phosphorous in conjunction with a missing tanker trailer and a few thousand gallons of water is a frightening idea.

A phosphorous fire coupled with water (H2O) causes a reaction in which the Hydrogen and Oxygen are separated from each other. Thus giving you a fire of extreme high-temps riding on an explosive charge of combusting Oxygen and Hydrogen.
nice link...good job on stopping the terrorism's been WAY effective :retard:
Yes no more than seatbelts, speed limits or airbags are going to put a dent in the 40K+ deaths on US highways either..

No what we are doing in the Mid-East isn't really about stopping terrorists at all.

Tell ya one thing that's for durn sure. Let em' hit us again and it will happen you can make bank on that.
You will see a reaction SO strong the folks that live over there will be hunting for these guys themselves.

What I can't see is the other side ever having any chance at all of

winning? That's the one I can't get a hold of...
That article I linked to states it prudy good.

we must break the will and pride of all those in the Islamic world who would dare to terrorize us and the international system

the centuries-old Islamic sense of impotence has been reversed. In explaining the Bush war aims, they elaborate, Mr. Bush intends to defeat the Islamist sense of their inevitable triumph — to defeat their psychology of manifest destiny."
Leslie said:
nice link...good job on stopping the terrorism's been WAY effective :retard:

. . . so how do you deal with ants in your kitchen?

Do you let them be and full run of the kitchen, leaving honey for them to eat on the counters? Or do make the best assault you can on them, only to have them come back in a week.

I don't know why you try to defeat them, they will just return another day.
noone told you guys about the stubborn as hell peace loving gun hating tree hugging leftist hippie freak admin chick yet? :angel2:
*stands sadly like a tree that has been used for target practice too many times waiting for a hug*

Leslie said:
I prevent them coming in the first place :lloyd: and don't lay out invitations.

How do you prevent the ants from coming in the first place?

Do you take proactive measures to prevent infestation or do you ask them nicely " . . . please Mr. Ant, do not come in my home and we can live together in harmony".

What I do is: dig their nest up the best I can, pour un-godly amounts of toxic chemicals in the nest, and bury it back up.

. . . rinse, lather, repeat as necessary.