I have a nice little perimeter around my home, which I follow once a month with liquid ant bait. I try my best to make sure that there's nothing inviting about my home for them to come into, and most of all, I don't go to their nests which are outside my little perimeter and stir things up so they feel they need to come and invade my place.
That is only because you don't own the world as we do...
If you don't like a rabid dog running loose you can call the dogcatcher!
yeah, ants are a picnic. :D
Now roaches....they are damned hard to get rid of.
I think they would have been a better analogy. :nerd:
I think dogs is good. You don't poke em and stay orf their land they leave you alone.
Its a beautiful day, you're admiring your ant free kitchen and you notice the cat has not eaten her Fancy Feast.

You call her but she does not come! Worried, you call outside, again no fur comes a'runnin'. You see something out of place at the edge of the yard and investigate. You find those fire-ants from the crack just outside your fence have killed and are now eating you cat.

Do you do nothing? -or- Do you, with a vengeance, kill every single ant that might have intentions of ever crossing under your pickett fence?

[edit] Les - - Happy B-Day too [/edit]
Leslie said:
I think dogs is good. You don't poke em and stay orf their land they leave you alone.

I have a female dog, and when she's in heat, which is often it seems,
I'm out in the yard with a 20 gauge shotgun quite a bit popping other dogs
in the rear with squirrel shot.
ants...dogs...squirrels... I thought this was about killing terrorists.

Simple plan...go to a place they live...kill them all & wait for their friends to arrive. Repeat as often as necessary. Problem solved.
It's about terrorist, it is also about policy and tactics.

the parallel micro-analogy become clearer in some respects.

I will disagree that the problem will be solved, only squelched. Terrorist like the ant colony, are hard to eradicate.
I suppose you didn't really like that cat anyway . . .

Leslie said:
I still can't fathom that you could even dream that anything you all are doing over there is going to stop events like that happening again.

It's absolutely mind-boggling.

So the war goes on, and Dubya' cleans up another mess created the Clintonista Administration.

2-tons of uranium; does that seem to be more plausible for potential of another "bad day".

BBC said:
Diplomats quoted by The New York Times said the agency had found evidence that Pyongyang provided Libya with nearly two tons of uranium in early 2001.

Libya handed over the uranium to the US in January this year, after deciding to abandon its quest for nuclear weapons.

Wonder why Ka-daffy had a change of heart?
catocom said:
I have a female dog, and when she's in heat, which is often it seems,
I'm out in the yard with a 20 gauge shotgun quite a bit popping other dogs
in the rear with squirrel shot.
These then would be dogs that come around your female, correct? Not dogs in oh, say, Texas?
They mostly come around at the heat time, but periodically in between
heats. Texas? I'd think it'd be a long way for them to trot over here to
my neck of the woods, as they can't drive, fly or use other means of transportation. :lloyd:
I know the dogs by their looks, and I'd go to their owners, and complain,
but I haven't found where/who there are...yet, and the animal control
doesn't do squat around here. I called them one time and the dog ran
off before they got here, and they said there was nothing they could do.