do you believe in fate?

do you?

  • yes

    Votes: 20 80.0%
  • no

    Votes: 5 20.0%

  • Total voters
this is one of her poems (translated from spanish, best i could do)

in the morning i talked to the sun,
having to confess him the reason of my hapiness
i told him how my mouth fell in loved with the taste of your lips
and how you slaved (sp??) me with one kiss
making me go deep into your soul that shines beautiness thru your eyes
ashamed i told him how i got drunk with the taste of your skin,
explaining him you were the ideal friend and lover......
almost the perfect men.......

by the night i talk with the moon
revealing her the reason of my sadness, and i confess
it was easy to fill you with desire
but i got lost inside your fears,
and now i'm sat in the path,
looking for the road that leads to your heart,
so i can finally have some of your love.....
There isn't an in between choice! (sorry, Luis, you know I have to be difficult :D )

Oh and unc...very clever. :D :D
I noticed as well...but since I haven't yet seen The Usual Suspects in it's entirety, I didn't get the whole thing...
i do believe in fate but you make your own fate type thing. your in some control. fate changes. but i do believe in it to an extent.
unclehobart said:
Glad you noticed. I was starting to feel as if the joke was going to go right down the ol' flush a swirly.

ok, i didn't get the joke (especially because my name is in it :confuse3: )
Verbal Kint: He's supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody ever believed he was real. Nobody ever knew him or saw anybody that ever worked directly for him. But to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Soze. You never knew; that was his power. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
One story the guys told me, the story I believe, was from his days in Turkey. There was a gang of Hungarians that wanted their own mob. They realized that to be in power, you didn't need guns or money or even numbers. You just needed the will to do what the other guy wouldn't. After a while, they come into power and then they come after Soze. He was small-time then, just running dope, they say. (We see all of this in flashback) They come to his home in the afternoon, looking for his business. They find his wife and kids in the house and decide to wait for Soze. He comes home to find his wife raped and children screaming. The Hungarians knew Soze was tough, not to be trifled with, so they let him know they meant business.
(Flashback: Hungarian cuts one of the children's throats)
They tell him they want his territory, all his business. Soze looks over the faces of his family. Then he showed these men of will what will really was.
(Soze shoots two Hungarians, then shoots his children and his wife as the last Hungarian watches in surprised horror)
He tells him he would rather see his family dead than live another day after this. He lets the last Hungarian go, waits until his wife and kids are in the ground, and then he goes after the rest of the mob. He kills their kids. He kills their wives. He kills their parents and their parents' friends. He burns down the houses they live in, the stores they work in. He kills people that owe them money. And like that, he's gone. Underground. Nobody's ever seen him since. He becomes a myth, a spook story that criminals tell their kids at night. "Rat on your pop and Keyser Soze will get you." But no one ever really believes.
(We see a shadow-encased figure of Keyser Soze walking towards the camera in front of a huge tower of flame as Verbal speaks about the process of revenge.)
Agent Kujon: Do you believe in him, Verbal?
Verbal Kint: Keaton always said, "I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid of him." Well, I believe in God -- and the only thing that scares me is Keyser Soze.
I believe in fate, to an extent. There are things that are going to happen no matter what, and there are things that you have some control over.
Theres an ugly woman down the street. I can stuff her head into a kiddie pool and time it if you think its about the same.
unclehobart said:
Theres an ugly woman down the street. I can stuff her head into a kiddie pool and time it if you think its about the same.
Got to be close, let me know.