do you believe in fate?

do you?

  • yes

    Votes: 20 80.0%
  • no

    Votes: 5 20.0%

  • Total voters
PuterTutor said:
unclehobart said:
Theres an ugly woman down the street. I can stuff her head into a kiddie pool and time it if you think its about the same.
Got to be close, let me know.

That's no lady...That's a man, baby...:D
Nixy said:
Luis: Life is pathetic, people are pathetic.

For the record I do believe in fate. The fate that life is doomed to suck.

Sorry Nixy, but I just gotta get maternalistic for a mo. You're way too young to have such a pessimisstic view of life. Life CAN be beautiful!
crap i thought i've replied to that one.

According to "my beliefs" we build our fate, it is in our hands to make a better day, remember, if you don't do it for yourself most likely nobody will do it.

As i see it, life can be a pain, and life can be beautiful, everything can be relative, think of it, would you enjoy the happiness if there was no sadness?

life is everything we have, and yes, it is beautiful.
Luis G said:
life is everything we have, and yes, it is beautiful.

Life is a dream, and gets scattered time after time. It has its better moments, but to call it beautiful? No, not for me.
Oh, and I'll be bad now and go back on topic. :p

Nope, don't believe in fate, not a bit. Sometimes we have good coincidences, sometimes bad. But life is what you make it. And you can make a beautiful life for yourself.

Happy coincidence that some would call fate: We promised my daughter we'd get her a dog. She's been wanting a pet of her own for the longest time. We had decided a week or two ago that we would get her a beagle. Day before yesterday, a co-worker put a beagle up for adoption. We took her home yesterday and the kids love her. Fate or lucky happenstance?
Leslie said:
the fate instance I'd like to share...

because I was poor, my grandpa gave me an old computer.
because the computer was old, the cd in it broke.
because the cd broke and I was poor, I went to Google to look for help.
because Google found HWC first, that's where I went.
because I went there I now have found a whole other world, including this site and xi, and have now made some dear friends, who have made a great impact on my life, most namely, Justin and Ris...and fury is in there too :)

all because grandpa took pity and gave me an old computer.

Leslie...The key phrase here was "I went to Google to look for help." At that point, it was no longer fate which controlled the outcome. It was your actions. If you had left it to fate, the rest would never have come to pass.
Squiggy said:
Leslie...The key phrase here was "I went to Google to look for help." At that point, it was no longer fate which controlled the outcome. It was your actions. If you had left it to fate, the rest would never have come to pass.

*bitchslaps Squiggy for ruining mine and ku'u's fate moment*
:bitchslap: :D

I have to disagree with you ... I mean, even if the initial "going to google" was fate and everything that came after that was "controlled" (which I disagree with), the inital action was indeed fate ...

so there :p

Not saying that there is no such thing as fate...just that fate occurs from inaction as opposed to action. Sometimes its good, sometimes its bad. Many of our bad experiences with fate can be alleviated by taking a proper action. Sorry to spoil the moment. It was kinda warm and fuzzy. :(
Sure I believe in fate, but I think that fate can only take you so far, then its pretty much up to you to kind of put it all together. :shrug:
hehe....All this nonsense I've been spouting and I just realized signature is about ....FATE.
lol@Squiggy :D

I think in this control came a little later than the conscious control anyhoo.
lol doesnt matter wether i belive or not, cuz it doesnt change the out come lol. "what will be killing u later is would have u broken the jar if i had not have told u about it" the oracle - The Matrix

No, i don't. I'm in control of my own actions.

Edit: BoP, i like your av, i love system shock 2 too. May i ask why you have the german words for 1 through 10 in your sig?
halamikage said:
Sure I believe in fate, but I think that fate can only take you so far, then its pretty much up to you to kind of put it all together. :shrug:
i always heard "fate can only take you so far...then you have to get out and push." i believe in fate...based on action or still have freewill, though...a nice combo of the two, perhaps?
I don't believe in fate, never have. Life is just a series of random moments we link together in a manner based on our socialization.
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I don't believe in fate, never have. Life is just a series of random moments we link together in a manner based on our socialization.

Yep. My "sediments" exactly. (Archeology pun for the uninitiated, groan if you must)