do you believe in fate?

do you?

  • yes

    Votes: 20 80.0%
  • no

    Votes: 5 20.0%

  • Total voters
I share sentiments with a few others here - I believe that there is fate, but that it only takes you so far. To not act because you are waiting on fate to get you where you need to be is pretty idiotic. :swing:
The question is really - "Does fate believe in you?". Fate could care less whether you have believe in it or not.
To put it simply - I believe there is fate of sorts. Means that some things are unavoidable. There are some things you can control in your life there ar eothers you'll never be able to change no matter how hard you try. The point is, you can never be sure if you'll be able to change it or not until the end. So you have to choose between givin' up or working for your goals until the end. Whatever the end may be...
Fate has to do with a power or.. a force.. that predetermines events. If there is no *event* there can't be any *fate* to affect it. Fate is the outcome.
And to think that there was a time in my life between the first post of this thread and now when I used to think that fate indeed exist. :(
Spirit said:
Fate has to do with a power or.. a force.. that predetermines events. If there is no *event* there can't be any *fate* to affect it. Fate is the outcome.

Kawaii said:
No, i don't. I'm in control of my own actions.

Edit: BoP, i like your av, i love system shock 2 too. May i ask why you have the german words for 1 through 10 in your sig?

My favourite game EVER was the first system shock. Loved the second one as well. Good to see someone else with good taste. ;)

The german numbers are there because that is what I have to recite to myself under my breath to prevent myself from inflicting grievous bodily harm to the German I have staying with me right now (only another 3 days dear god.)

Ms Ann Thrope said:
I don't believe in fate, never have. Life is just a series of random moments we link together in a manner based on our socialization.

How can it be anything else? Where in our genetic make-up does this 'fate' business supposedly kick in? In evolution? :shrug:

chcr said:
Yep. My "sediments" exactly. (Archeology pun for the uninitiated, groan if you must)

:D The archaeologist in me wubs yoo. ;)

IDLEchild said:
The question is really - "Does fate believe in you?". Fate could care less whether you have believe in it or not.

Tsk, tsk.. Anthropomorphizing. :disgust2:
Luis G said:
And to think that there was a time in my life between the first post of this thread and now when I used to think that fate indeed exist. :(
I suppose by this that something went wrong? Been there done that, life sometimes plays a lot with you...
What about another twist(ed)/perspective here....

God = Fate

A person who expects life to just happen has another guess comming. I beleive in God/Fate, however, I also belive that God/Fate gave each and everyone of us a a brain and the ability to make our own choices. When we just sit back and do nothing, we are certainly as heck not going to go anywhere or get anything accompished! Everything that happenes is due to God/Fate and yet He also expects us to help ourselves. We are not robots, we have a free choice.